A Possible Reassurance

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A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  Light flooded the nearly barren hallway. It shone through the windows in the living room/kitchen area, since all the curtains were open. No artificial light mixed with the natural version due to the lights being shut off as well. Everything in the house appeared to be normal, except for the girl lying unconscious in the hallway. Much like the curtains and lights, she had been placed into a certain position. That spot pertaining to how things were before she had woke up on the previous night.

Now, it was the bright and early morning. Her (e/c) eyes blinked open steadily before they shut again. The amount of light felt foreign, as its intensity seemed to burn her orbs. (F/n)'s head ached substantially, like it had been hit with a heavy rock. In her awaking state, though, she could recount events from last light. Switching on the lights in the living room and dining room, closing the curtains in that particular space, seeing the pillow magically appear back on the couch, all of those details played in her mind.

(F/n) recalled turning the doorknob on the front door to escape the madness, yet her vision went dark before she could exit the home. Recovering from her position, however, caused her to consider if any of those things really had happened. Everything, which she had changed in that span of time from last night, had reverted back to the positions that they were in before she had moved them. Even she was back in the hallway spot, where she had woken up last night. So, had she really been awake last night? Or, had her hit to the head caused her to be out for nearly twenty-four hours, since it was nine in the morning?

It was possible that she had dreamed all of that up; it was possible that she allowed her sleeping mind to play tricks on her. Perhaps, her sleep had merely caused her greatest concern to come to life in her dreams. Honestly, it seemed more reasonable than assuming that the house was haunted. Still, what if what happened last night had been real? Could she really push that possibility away?

Part of her still wanted to reach for that front door and open it to the outside. At the same time, however, she had been knocked out whenever she went for that escape exit. Having the same thing happen twice seemed suspicious. Then again, it depended upon the fact of whether or not the second time was real.

Whatever the case her head was only hurting more as she thought more. Just trying to figure out a solution was painful. She would grab a pain reliever from the medicine cabinet. Afterwards, she would get something to eat.

Before she could reach the bathroom, though, there was a knock on the door. Since she was using the right hallway wall as support, she leaned against it more and wondered who it could be. Perhaps, it was some mail for Nathan. Still, she didn't want to go charging for the front door anymore. The past time or times had been enough; she didn't wish to be unconscious again.

"(F/n), are you in there? A package came for you, and I thought that you would like it now rather than later," her mother's voice called out.

Her eyes widened at the voice, as she mentally jumped for joy. It was a painful jump, though. Still, she couldn't leave her mother waiting at the door, but the potential consequences of opening it weren't pleasant. If there was something in the house with her, would it really knock her out with someone standing on the other side? That would only draw more attention to it, right?

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ