Safety Secured

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A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  As the woman peeked under the bed, Drem moved the wallet and its content out from under it and out of her view. It was simple enough. So, that when she stopped looking under the bed, he blew the said objects back under. From there on, he just watched her walk around the area, as she checked every nook and cranny it seemed. When she at last left his doe's room, she inspected the other sections of the house.

It wasn't exactly an exciting thing to watch, but he stayed around her in case she had a desire to go back into the doe's room. So, when she finally finished her search, he sighed out of relief. That had been one of the most boring things that he ever had to observe.

Now, that the woman was finished, he headed back into the living room with her. His little doe was still seated upon the couch, though, fast asleep now. Going over to her daughter, the mother shook (f/n) awake gently. Drem smirked slightly when he saw his doe grimace at being woken up. Obviously, that headache of hers was still present.

"Did you check everything, then, mom?" (f/n) asked groggily, as she rested her head in the palm of her right hand.

"Yes, and there's nothing abnormal in this home. The atmosphere is a bit uneasy and somewhat cold in certain parts of the house, but I don't think that it's anything to worry about. It's probably the antiques' back-stories getting to us. Another reason, though, could be just how this house was built. Maybe, there might just be cold spots due to how the ac was installed. Whatever the reason, sweetie, there's a logical explanation that doesn't include someone spying on you. Of course, you can always call if you need to."

"That might be a problem, as my phone broke the other day," (f/n) responded, somewhat glad to hear that her mother hadn't found anything. Still, she felt a little on edge.

"And, how did you manage to break it?"

"Well, I tripped and knocked over one of the nightstands as well as a lamp. The nightstand crushed my phone, and the lamp broke," she replied, not mentioning how the phone seemed to move from the back of the nightstand to the side of it. Her mother already seemed to be convinced that there was nothing wrong with the house, so bringing up something like that might cause her mother to have other concerns.

(F/n) didn't exactly want to be considered crazy by own mother. In fact she felt somewhat like she was going a bit insane regardless. At least she had her mother's reassurance about the house as a support beam for the moment.

"Well, nothing can be done about that phone now. I'll leave my personal phone with you, and I'll tell your father to call me on my work phone," her mother mentioned, taking her personal phone out of her left pants pocket and handing it to her daughter.

"Thanks, mom," (f/n) stated, placing the phone in her right shorts' pocket.

"Of course, just call if you need anything," the older woman voiced before saying her goodbyes and leaving the home.

Once the door was closed, (f/n) locked it and made her way to the bathroom. On her way there, though, the sudden quietness in the house unnerved her. So, she just replayed her mother's explanation in her head again and told herself that everything was fine. If she continued to over think things, she really would drive her mind to insanity.

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