Chapter 17

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The ticking of the clock above my bedroom door sounds like that of a timer counting down my doom, the silence of the penthouse is stifling. Dressed in an empire twist, cap sleeve, floor-length, silver satin gown that has a peek-a-boo slit that runs up to my left upper thigh, complimentary to Alexander's unique taste in women's clothes. I sigh heavily as I wait for Damian to send me a message that he's downstairs. Having kept my makeup to a minimum since I have no clue how to do my make-up other than face powder, lipstick and mascara, Danny giggles as he watches me through the bars of his cot.

With three-inch silver heels strapped to my feet, I click my way towards Danny who raises his hands for me to pick him up. Smiling warmly, I pass him my clutch bag to hold as I pick him up, taking him out to the living room where I should be able to find Mr Ford.

"Now, I'm going to be out for a little while," I explain to him as we leave my room, Danny's big grey eyes hold my gaze as his little fingers play with the china clutch. "I want you to be a good boy for me while I'm out. Okay, Danny?"

As if he understands what I'm talking about, Danny gives me a million-watt toothless smile which for some reason gives me some reassurance that there won't be a repeat of last night. Finding Mr Ford in the living room, I pass him the baby who readily goes into his arms, behind the kitchen counter, a blond-haired woman in her early forties, dressed in a black shirt and ankle-length pants with peeks of white at the end of her sleeves and her collar who I assume is Mrs Denise, smiles warmly at me as she dishes up a plate of bangers and mashes for Mr Ford.

"Have a pleasant evening, Ms Summers," Mr Ford calls after me as my cell phone begins ringing.

"Bye," I call back, rushing to the elevator, and answering my phone as I go. "Hello?"

"I'm at the lobby of your apartment," he answers curtly as I enter the elevator.

"I'm on my way."

The elevator speeds down to the ground floor uninterrupted, walking out of the building, I head straight for the black Audi A3 parked on the curb, opening the passenger door, I slide into the passenger seat. Dressed handsomely and sitting next to me in the driver's seat in a midnight black suit with a black tie and business shoes is Damian Higgens.

Brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes. That's all the similarity there is between us. His body alone is a differentiating factor, unlike me, Damian is all muscle under his suit, his chest is broad and his jawline is defined. He is the perfect picture of a male underwear model and I look like someone who you'd find in a bookstore.

"So, why did you move out of Olivia Grey's house?" He asks suddenly, breaking my self-comparison, as he pulls out off of the kerb. "Also, how on earth do you afford to live in The Scala of all places? Did you rob a bank or did you start up a very successful company in three weeks?"

Rolling my eyes, I flash him my left hand where on my ring finger, I wear my engagement ring. Yes, I have taken to wearing it not for material purposes but for publicity's sake...and I do like the thought that the ring is a symbol of someone's love for me though that someone doesn't exist...

In the passing street light, the bold square-cut diamond sparkles caught my brother's attention. Slamming on the brakes at a red light, he pulls my hand up to his eyes, examining the ring.

"You're getting married?!" He exclaims, throwing my hand back to me in shock as the car behind us honks for us to move since the light has turned red. "When? Who? How? I thought you planned on being single forever?"

"Well, I'm not single," I huff slightly offended that he'd think of me that way, glaring at him as he turns into another street. "And where did you get the idea I was planning to stay single forever? I do want to have kids of my own one day."

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