Chapter 26

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The car ride to the Seattle Tacoma Airport takes about two hours including traffic to get to. In that time I've managed to calm down a lot and think through the events of the night and I find that I am very embarrassed about crying in front of Alexander. I mean, I do barely know anything other than the basics of him.

"We're here," Alexander murmurs to me off of his probably numb lap as the car is let through onto the tarmac and stopped next to an airstrip.

Lowering the side window, I feel my hands get clammy as I eye the large white jet that stands out among all the aeroplanes on the tarmac, the tail of the name on the tail of the aircraft catches my eye for a second before the door I was leaning is suddenly pulled open.

Alexander who had at one point during my admiring of his jet stood with his hand outstretched to pull me out of the car. His face shows not an ounce of the emotion he had shown when he finally saw me on the street instead, his face is back to his cold emotionless mask that I have grown accustomed to.

"Private jet?" I ask softly as I get out of the car on my own ignoring his hand to which his eyes glint as if he were enjoying a private joke, leaving Jenkins' jacket in the car. "What?"

"You are a strange one," He murmurs distractedly, guiding me up the stairs to the aircraft with his hand gently pushing me forward from its place on my lower back. "Yes, Janette. It's my private jet."

I have no idea whether to be appreciative that it's not a public aeroplane or scared out of my mind that it'll be just us on the plane. In all honesty, I think the latter is currently my biggest fear at the moment.

I still haven't told him.

Stepping on the plane I find my ears to be filled with the noise of about eleven strangely familiar chattering voices and I tense.


A chorus of deep male voices acknowledges me some sounding business-like and others sounding playful or cheerful.

You've got to be kidding me. Why? Among all the people in his very successful and respected company, why did he have to choose them?

All freaking eleven of them too.

"Breathe, Janette," he whispers into my ear as he guides me with soft nudges to a seat next to a window. "I don't need you passing out on me."

The seat is plush and leathery and there is a table like the one you'd see in the dining car of a train in front of me. Before taking his seat opposite me, he leans across my seat to grab the seatbelt that's deep in the space between the seat and the aircraft wall which he takes and tightens securely around my waist making me inhale sharply at how tight it is.

"Are you alright?" he smiles deviously, clearly noticing my discomfort as he loosens the belt a little, his lips meeting mine in a short kiss as he warns. "Don't even think of unbuckling yourself until the seatbelt light turns off."

"Holt," Adam growls taking a seat across the aisle next to me, glaring at Alexander like he'd kill him if he were to so much as breathe for another second. "Hands off my little sister."

Theo laughs good-naturedly filling the sudden still silence in the plane that followed Adam's warning, "Come on Addy! Give it a rest! She's going to marry him anyway, let them be a couple outside the bedroom as well. Oh right speaking about bedrooms, you two can sleep in the in-flight bedroom the rest of us-"

Before he even finishes talking, William has him restrained from the back and Seth has his hand covering Theo's mouth, both of them look sheepishly over to Alexander and me before dragging Theo's struggling body into the bathroom and locking him in by blocking the door.

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