Get Out

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A movement woke me.

Before I could open my eyes, her scent filled my nostrils and I had to swallow a groan that inched up my throat.

As though her delicious scent wasn't enough, when I did open my eyes, the most tempting sight awaited me.

Her fully curved slender body was turned away from me, her back pressed against my chest.

That I could have handled, but the same sweater she'd boasted of its decency had ridden up, past her hips, and allowed me the intoxicating sight of her round ass thrust up right against my groin.

Even as my gaze latched onto the little shorts, I said a silent prayer up to the heavens to be given strength and not to lose control.

When I was finally sure that I'd keep my hands to myself, I pulled my lower half away.

Slowly, I withdrew my arm from under her and winced from the numbness.

A grin formed on my face at the thought of later teasing her about how heavy she was when in truth I could bench press her entire body.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I got off the bed, finally distanced from the temptations. I walked around the bed and watched her sleep.

For a good fifteen minutes, my eyes roamed her gorgeous face, making sure not to look past her neck.

My wristwatch beeped; Four o'clock. Time to head home.

One last look at Olivia, and I was slipping out her bedroom door.

I stood for a second to try and figure out my exit, and also to make sure I didn't bump into a certain verbally abusive woman.

The kitchen and living room area were in one huge, classy and modern room, so it wasn't hard to watch my back and also to locate the front door.

When I was just about to twist the door handle, I heard another door open behind me and instinct had me lunging for the back of a couch.

I could hear footsteps as they headed towards the kitchen. Hoping it would be Olivia, I stealthily moved around the couch to sneak a peek.

Oh shit.

It was a bed headed sourly faced Mrs. Ryans opening the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. She had on a sheer night dress that had be cringing. And not because she didn't look attractive in it, but because she was simply Olivia's mom and it was extremely awkward seeing her in all this indecency.

I looked away with the urge to scratch out my eyes.

A moment later, I heard the footsteps retreat to the bedroom, and I took the chance to slip out the front door.

"I have a feeling Jonathan Ryans' imprisonment is somehow connected to my own possible future one."

Sasha sat straighter in the seat opposite mine, a look of confusion embracing her face.

I'd called her in immediately I'd gotten to the office. The matter had been roaming in my head for too long and I needed a second opinion, hopefully, one that would contradict my own.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened to Olivia's dad, but who's to say it wasn't his own hands that caused his situation."

I frowned. "Although we're not sure exactly what he did, I know he didn't do it, trust me."

"And how are you so sure?"

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