Get Dressed

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I'd never known such torture in my life.

The mere thought that Olivia was within arms reach and I wasn't able to touch her was...

Fuck, I needed a drink.

Anxious to finally be free from the board meeting that had pulled me away from the source of my current suffering, I hadn't even noticed Sasha leave her office.

"Woah there, you trying to scare away angels with that scowl," she teased.

"Now's not the time, Sash."

A look of concern replaced her playful one. "Oh, it definitely is. I know that look way too well. What's wrong?"

The set look on her face told me she wasn't going to let it go. I rolled my eyes in frustration and jerked my head towards my office. "Come on."

"Yeah?" she said when she sat against the edge of my desk.

"She woke up."

Her big brown eyes widened. "What?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, okay. I'm still processing everything." I scrubbed a hand over my face. "She doesn't remember me."

Her jaw dropped. "You're fucking with me, Shay."

"I wish I was, really, I do."

"She doesn't remember anything?"

I shook my head.

"Well that's some movie ass shit right there." A sympathetic look crossed her features. "Don't you think it's time to tell that poor woman that her daughter hadn't actually died in the fire. She's suffered enough, Shayne."

"You, better that anyone else knows the moment she's not under my protection, she will get seriously hurt, for real this time."

"I know that, but I don't think the woman would tell anyone if she knew her daughter's life was in danger."

Just to get her off my back, I said,  "Okay, I'll think about it."

"Think fast, cause I'm starting to think you just want Olivia for yourself."

Sasha's words were ringing through my mind as I drove to my apartment. The woman must have been a little high to make such an accusation. I wasn't a creep. 

"I'm not a fucking creep," I announced to no one in particular when I stood under the spray off a cool shower.

Even as I pulled into the paved driveway of the estate, I continued to assure myself. "I'm trying to protect her, not keep her as my prisoner."

But as I looked up at the century old mansion, built like a fortress, with its surveillance cameras and its heavily guarded posts, a sense of panic hit me.

Maybe I was being selfish with Olivia. But heavens help me, I needed that girl in so many ways. Still, I was going to consider contacting her mother, all thanks to the kindness of my heart.

"Everything good, boss?"

I snapped my head towards Joshua, the newest member to the Raven Angels, my family. And, the other half of my life I wasn't too keen on people knowing about. Some things were best left unknown.

"Sure, how's it going? Done your homework?"

He was polishing the rims of a sleek gray Range Rover, no doubt  the latest addition to Drew's collection. 

The blue eyed boy grinned shippishly. "No, but Mr. Drew said he'd help me if I did the rims."

The boy was barely into his teens and he'd already suffered and seen enough. If I hadn't pulled him out of the whorehouse I'd found him in, I would never have forgiven myself. His whore of a mother had eloped with the motherfucker I'd been tracking, Jason Long.

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