Olympic Event - Book II Cover Contest! :D

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  • Đã dành riêng cho jeanju

Hello again, dear Fatefuls!
If you're a Fateful and you know it, please vote ^.^


**Update: as of December 12, the Fateful Olympics are officially closed!!!**

Big congratulations to the Book II cover contest winner @jeanju! :D


This is the official page for the BOOK II COVER CONTEST, for Fatefuls to find out more and enter if interested! To enter, simply comment on this chapter that you plan to submit a cover :)

**Note: unlike the previous Olympics chapter, this page is for official entry** - so once you sign up here, I hope you will follow through!! It's okay if you have to back out later on, for some understandable reason - but please only sign up if you're pretty sure that you plan to submit something. Thank you :)

Below are guidelines, prizes, and dates & deadlines. Thanks for your interest!! Happy Olympics! ^_^


(1) Make your cover!
Your cover can be any image featuring these phrases: "The Fates", "Book II", and "Ahna". That is all :)  Feel free to arrange the text and images however you would like, as long as those phrases are included! As of now, I don't have a clear sense of the plot for Book II that I'm prepared to share, and I don't have any ideas/preferences in mind for the cover. So it's all up to you - anything that seems to represent The Fates would be great. Am just excited to see the results of your creativity :D

(2) Submit your cover!
In order to submit, you will have to save your cover in JPG form (a file with ".jpg" at the end). Then you can upload the file to an image-sharing site, such as www.imgur.com, www.photobucket.com, or www.pinterest.com, which will create a link for you to share the image with anyone! All you have to do is paste that link in a comment on this page, or in a message to _Ahna_. If you have any questions about these directions, just let me know :)

Note: You are welcome to submit as many covers as you would like. Please also note that even if you win the contest, your cover will not necessarily be chosen to be used as the official cover on Wattpad. Of course, it very well might be!!! I just don't want to make any guarantees, in case anything unexpected happens. Thank you for understanding :)

** I plan/hope to upload all Book II cover submissions to The Fates Fan Art board on Pinterest (link on my profile)! But of course, I will ask for your permission before posting your cover up there :) **

~~~ PRIZES ~~~

The winner will be selected by Ahna as thoughtfully and fairly as possible, based on the overall quality of the cover and how well it suits the series :)

Book II Cover contest winner will receive:
(1) Follow from Ahna (if not already)
(2) Long-term shout-out in Ahna's profile
(3) Promotion via message broadcast to all of Ahna's followers
(4) Indication of "Olympic Victor" on The Fates Fan Art Pinterest board
(5) *IF* the cover is chosen to be used for The Fates Book II, then a promised dedication on the author's note of Book II, when it's posted to Wattpad :D
If the cover is not chosen, then a promised dedication on another early chapter in the book (probably the 4th, since 1-3 are reserved for winners of other contests) :)

Note: If there are 8+ total cover submissions, then there will be gold, silver, and bronze medals. Prizes would be different for 2nd/3rd place, with no guarantees yet - but certainly some sort of recognition and reward :)

Also - if you do choose to submit multiple covers, you would still only have a shot at one medal, to be awarded to the 'winningest' of your entries. This is just to ensure that one person won't sweep the whole podium, as that would be less fun :)


October 12: Official opening date for all Olympic events, including the Book II Cover contest!! (though of course, you may start creating your cover in advance, if you wish)

November 12: Deadline for all cover submissions. If you would like an extension for any reason, please send a PM to Ahna :)

December 12: Closing ceremony for all Olympic events - victors declared, prizes awarded, Olympic glory achieved!! :D

Questions? Feel free to ask in comments, or PM me if you prefer! Thank you so much to all my dear Fatefuls!!! Incredibly excited for the Olympics ^.^  Much luv to you all!!! ♥

-The Fates- Fandom HQNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ