Fan Art Contest - RESULTS!

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The Fateful Olympics have officially come to a close!

I am thrilled to announce the results of the fan art contest :D

Since there were so many fantastic fan art entries, our Olympic podium features gold, silver, and bronze medals ^.^

And without further ado...

GOLD: Atria, the three Fates, and #Axria - @WriterAngelique

SILVER: Cloe, Lacey, and Atria - @KewonaWolf

BRONZE: "The Fates Lovers Series" - @jeanju

~~ Honorable Mention ~~
(in alphabetical order by artist)

Atria - @Alize_D

"The Fates - what people think they look like" - @awesome321293

"Are You Even Human?" - @Flame_ofAmarog

The Fates collage - @Heather439

Cloe, Lacey, and Atria - @jeanju

The three Fates - @MMMMimz

Clotho at the Loom - @Nerinenerita

Three Fates collage - @StarBooks321

Cloe, Lacey, and Atria - @StarlightKween

Please join me in giving a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our Olympic medalists, and a great big THANK YOU to all entrants!!

I've been so happy and grateful to see my story and characters brought to life by such talented Fatefuls! I truly love every single fan art entry and will treasure them forever :D

Each of these entries is on The Fates Fan Art Pinterest board at - if you haven't yet, I hope you will please check them out!

Prizes for 1st place as promised on the contest page will be rolling out soon! There will be some form of reward for our silver and bronze medalists, too! And, as always, lots of luv to all of you ^.^ ♥

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