Chapter One | Insolence

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JAMES FULTON, THE Duke of Lennox was annoyed. He called for his valet to arrive precisely thirty minutes prior to midnight, yet the door remained open and there was no sight of the man. He could of course remove his clothing himself, but it begged the question as to why he still employed a valet in the first place? His cravat itched against his throat and with an annoyed scowl, his nimble fingers loosened the material allowing him air to breathe.

For the twentieth time today, he wondered why he had bothered to attend Lady Albermay's soirée anyways. It was the same scene repeatedly and it got quite exhausting. The same chits were vying for his attention, their mamas pushing them towards him like lambs to the slaughter. The wallflowers giggled and blushed at his presence and the men did their best to hide their distain and jealousy.

It unsurprisingly made for a less than enjoyable time. He had only gone because there was only so much entertainment for a duke in an empty manor. However, with the terrible mood he was now in reminded him of his foolishness.

A glass of brandy would be nice about now if any of his servants listened to his summons. What did he pay them for if not to wait on him hand and foot? Still scowling, James stepped outside his chambers, surprised to see the upper floor of the Chalcott manor eerily silent. There were no chamber maids skirting around as they usually did at this hour. The only sounds present were from the sheets of rain hitting the glass windows at alarming speeds. 

Frowning, James walked down the first flight of stairs. There was nobody there either. The front entrance, where his butler always remained was empty. He employed a sufficient number of servants, yet it seemed that no one was presently conducting their duties. What could be more pressing than their duties?

He stood in the entryway for a moment, before he faintly heard sounds from the servant quarter's below. Curiosity getting the better of him, he followed the noise. He certainly did not make it a routine to visit his staff here, yet he could hear them bustling about. In quick brisk steps, he arrived to see several of his servants in his housekeeper's room. They were all crowding around something, but with his obscured view he could not see what it was.

Leaning against the outer frame of the door, he was able to remain relatively hidden. The servants were so busy in whatever they were doing that they did not notice the presence of their master.  

"Get me another rag."

He knew that voice, it was his housekeeper, Mrs. Shire. A maid went to follow her orders when she happened upon James and gasped loudly.

"Your Grace," she sunk into a deep curtsy.

Her voice was loud enough that the rest of the servants in the room froze for a moment before they all followed in suit. Realizing that it did him no good to stand in the corner, he stepped into the dimly lit room and his gaze met that of his valet's.

"You were to tend to me," he took out his pocket watch and flipped it open to see the time, "seventeen minutes ago."

His valet paled, "Apologies Your Grace, I lost track of time. I can tend to you now."

James gestured to his half-done cravat, "Hutton, does it look like I still require your assistance?"

Hutton wisely kept his mouth shut. The rest of the servants waited for his next tongue lashing, but it never came. "Mrs. Shire," he addressed his housekeeper, "do tell me what all this fuss is about."

His housekeeper moved to the side allowing James to get a view of whatever they were crowding around.

As he walked closer to the cot, he drew in a sharp breath.

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