Chapter Fourteen | Promise

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IT WAS THE scream that jolted Vivienne upright. Water sloshed on either side of the tub, and she got up carefully gripping the edges as she did so. She didn't wait to dry herself but merely fastened her dress in haste. Opening the door to her chamber, she glanced at the end of the hallway where Lady Torrington stood beside the duke. He was holding something in his arms, and it took a moment for Vivienne to recognize what it was.

"Ginger!" she called, as the kitten meowed in response.

Both the duke and Lady Torrington turned at the sound of her voice. Her bare feet hit the cool floor and she approached them. Ever since Lady Torrington's arrival, she'd done her best to keep Ginger in her room, but it seemed like the feline had escape today.

"Do not tell me that is yours."

Ginger jumped into her arms, effectively answering Lady Torrington's question. "I'm sorry, she usually remains in my room."

Lady Torrington humped in disapproval.

"She's really friendly once you get to know her."

"I highly doubt that. Do keep that thing away from me. I sneeze terribly whenever a furry animal is around me."

As if to demonstrate her point, Lady Torrington promptly began sneezing effectively. Vivienne winced as she hugged Ginger closer to her body, shielding her from the dowager countess. She felt eyes boring into her and she looked up to see the duke looking at her quite bizarrely.

She frowned, "Is everything alright, Your Grace?"

He cleared his throat and pointed towards her gown. "It seems that you haven't exactly finished dressing, Lady Vivienne."

Vivienne looked down and blushed. In her rush to find the source of the screaming, she hadn't bothered drying herself nor was she wearing a chemise. Her flimsy gown had become even more transparent in the process. Cheeks red in embarrassment, she hugged Ginger closer to her chest.

"Apologies," she said softly. "I was worried that someone was hurt."

The duke merely nodded at her answer before he left the two of them entering his own bedroom and shutting the door firmly behind him. Lady Torrington watched him for a moment before her shrewd grey eyes turned back to Vivienne.

"Get dressed and meet me in the ballroom."


After putting on all her clothes, Vivienne made her way towards the ballroom. She'd only visited the room once, weeks ago and needed a maid to point her in the correct direction. For the last couple of weeks, Lady Torrington had Vivienne practicing on the pianoforte for hours everyday, but it seemed helpless. She was not getting better. Vivienne knew soon enough the dowager would give up on her—she simply had no musicality in her bones. Thankfully, when she arrived in the ballroom, there was another gentleman on the pianoforte. This meant that she wouldn't be playing the blasted instrument today!

Lady Torrington broke away from her conversation with the man and turned towards her, "Good, you've arrived all dressed."

She walked towards her before pressing something into her fingers. Vivienne looked down to see a beautiful red fan with golden flowers and trims. She opened it with hesitation, taking a particular look at the design in greater detail. "It's beautiful," she admitted, glancing back up at Lady Torrington.

Lady Torrington ignored her comment, "Close it, and try opening it again."

She did as she was commanded only to see Lady Torrington's lips turning down in displeasure. It was clear that she was doing something wrong.

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