Part 3

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The sound came from the living room and Echo stopped herself. She could either turn around and go back upstairs and ignore the part where she was hungry completely or she could do her best to walk by the room quietly and hope not to be seen.

Usually, her sisters didn't bug her too much but she could hear by the sound of Lena's voice that she was properly horrified by whatever it was she had just been told and that she would be all to eager to share it with her. She considered staying for a second but in the end her anxiety won. Then, just as she turned to go back up... Maru grinned at her brightly as Rocko nearly knocked her over with a soft growl.

"Hi." Maru said with a toothy grin, knowing all too well that Echo was about to go hide.

"Hey." Echo said, staring down at Rocko. His eyes were fixed on her as she realized that she was not going to get a way. Stupid dog. Why did he hate her so much?

"Oh, it's you two. Well, get in here. You'll want to hear it too." Lena said, clenching her hands together as she poked her head out of the room. Maru and Echo turned to her for a second, raising curious brows. She looked just as horrified as she sounded, her face and arms completely flushed.

"Hear what?" Maru asked, walking into the room with Echo silently in tow.

"Lena is being dramatic." Romy said from where she was standing, leaning against the piano that took up the back end of the room. Next to her, with her hands tucked into her pockets was Vera, the second eldest and most motherly of the bunch.

"Lena is in shock, we all are." Vera said sensibly, turning back to Maru and Echo who were making themselves comfortable in the room.

"I'm not." Maru said simply, "Probably because I still have no idea what's going on."

"Well, it's George." Vera said. "He's getting married."

Echo had been slouching back for a second before suddenly straightening up and leaning forward, interested for once. She placed her hands on her knees and tilted her head with a nod as she remembered the woman she'd met a couple of times over the last few months.

"To that woman...." Echo asked, turning to Romy, "Karen or whatever?"

"Yes." Romy said with a slightly vicious grin. "I have to say, I always pictured him with someone much prettier. After all, George is quite nice looking." He was more than just nice looking, Echo thought. If they were realistic, George was pretty damn handsome.

"If they're in love, that type of thing has nothing to do with it." Vera said, scolding them. "You two shouldn't be so mean."

"But it's just not her looks... have you heard her talk? She's soooo...." Maru said, trying to find the words. Echo remembered the very nasal sound that came out of the woman's mouth whenever she spoke. Unfortunately, Echo wasn't great with faces and so she really couldn't remember what poor Karen looked like, only the sound of her less than melodic voice.

"Bubbly?" Romy said, making Maru chuckle.

"You said it." Maru replied.

"Would you guys stop?" Vera said. "Leave poor George alone. This is supposed to be one of the happiest moments of his life and I expect you all to behave and congratulate him with big smiles."

"Of course we will, whenever we see him." Maru said with a sigh, feeling a little ashamed. This was a superpower that only Vera had. She was very good at scolding the girls, even Romy who was older. Vera was a sweet-natured woman, kind and smart and always trying to do the right thing, and get others to do it too, of course. She had a strong moral compass, one that all the girls secretly admired and envied. Somehow, over the years, Vera had become the one to keep after them, the one always checking in and even mothering them sweetly. It was this strange combination of gentility and firm values that would make Vera such a great attorney.

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora