Part 70

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Echo let out a long, exhausted sigh as she stared at the mess. 

The bed was made now, the restroom had been cleaned but Luke had still not let anyone in to organize the closet. She placed a hand on either hip and shook her head, deciding since she was the one who made the mess, she would be the one to clean it up.  She kicked a few things around, and began to fold up her sleeves. She said she wanted to get more organized, well this was her chance. Slowly, Echo began to work things into piles, double checking everything to make sure it was clean and trying her best to sort them by color. 

She wasn't sure what it was about cleaning, but Luke was right. It was relaxing, it was strangely therapeutic. There was something about it. The sense of accomplishment, that feeling when a space is as it should be, knowing she had control over this even if the rest of her life was a mess. 

What was she going to do? Leaving Luke was too hard, at least right now it was and somehow, she'd committed to being here when he returned. Well, if it helped make sure he came back safe and sound, then waiting for him here wasn't so bad. But in reality, what else could she do? Go back home, go back to hiding in her room? No, her life had changed too much for that. 

Was she ready to forgive and forget? She could picture him in her mind, talking her down during an anxiety attack, knowing exactly how to ground her. He was always so cool in the those situations, she'd admired that about him. 

Echo began folding the clothes in her drawers, then she looked over to Luke's dresser which stood against the opposite wall. She walked over, pulling the top one open and frowning.

How in the world did anyone line up their socks so well? She took out a pair, noticing how they were folding perfectly flat.  Then, some twisted need to take our her frustration took over, and she quickly began shuffling them around, balling them up haphazardly and making a mess of the drawer. When she was done, she stared down at it with a smile, closing it slowly and opening the next one.

Ah, of course. His underwear was perfectly folded and lined up too. Echo stuck in her hand and began to wiggle everything around, then she stuck in the other hand for good measure. 

With a satisfied grin, she closed his drawers and dusted off her hands on her jeans. It might not be the more satisfying thump of a lamp against his head, but it was something. Now she turned back toward her side of the closet, remembering that there was still a big mess to clean up. 

"Ouch." She muttered, tripping over and falling forward, just missing the bench. She stared at it, only a few inches from her face, thinking how very lucky she was. That would have been a very nasty bump. 

She turned over, noticing the shoe she'd hit him in the face with- the culprit. She reached over, unable to resist the urge to laugh as she replayed it. This pretty little shoe had whacked him right in the face. Her laughter grew louder as she wiped a tear away. Oh lord, how she'd like to do it again... She sighed. 

"You better come home soon, Luke. I still have so much to yell at you for." She said softly, pulling herself up to her feet and walking back to her side. She gently placed the shoe next to it's pair on it's spot and began to pick up clothes again. 

She already knew what would happen. Eventually, she'd forgive him. Eventually, she would tell him that she wanted to try again. Eventually, they would be able to work through it. Eventually. 

Today was not that day, tomorrow wouldn't be either. It was going to take time, but she wanted to work it out.  Somehow, just knowing that eventually would happen was enough to give her a newfound burst of energy. With a nod and clapping her hands together decisively, she continued her task.

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now