Chapter 7

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"Are you done?" I walk up to him, he looks up at me from his phone.

"Done with what?" He asks as I sit to level him.

"Being a bitch."

"Do you mean that as an insult?"

"Can you just tell me what I did wrong so I can apologize?" I sigh as his green eyes search mine "Come on! The silent treatment really isn't good for me!"

"You didn't do anything wrong," he finally tells me "you would know that if you were in last period."

"Yeah...I had a situation. Plus non of my teachers notice me so," I shrug.

"Did you get a letter? About the trip?" He changes subjects and I nod "Are you going?"

"Maybe, what is it even about?"

"Just camping I think, I'm going."

"Camping? I might have to pass," I shake my head, no way I'm going camping.

"It's actually more of a cruise.." he looks up at me.

"Are we going camping or on a cruise?" I shake my head totally confused now.

"Just read the letter." He looks back down at his phone and I'm left just sitting there, I take my chance to look around since I really have nothing better to do.

I see some kids playing on a football field but they're not playing football, at least not the normal way. The ball is flying in thin air going full speed towards a petite girl, by the looks of things if she doesn't catch it it'll knock her out completely.

To my surprise she catches it two feet from her face with no hands, magic. Of course! This is a supernatural school there's bound to be some witches. They all look quite young and the older kids are just on the sidelines watching the little ones play.

I kinda wish Bailey or Tili came to this school, at least I'd have something to do. "What do you think about this?" Tomas asks giving me his phone, I take it and look down at this screen. It's a picture of black Jordan's.

"Very basic." I give him his phone back then notice it's the latest iPhone out, talk about wealthy.

"Good." He keeps tapping on his phone and I look back at the field of kids, I take my hair out just to redo the low ponytail it was in then pull out to ear pieces. I lean back on my elbows looking out at the kids playing.

I've never been one for big friendships groups, maybe it's because I'm not the friendly type but I don't know. Every school I went too, I would either be alone or be stuck with a bitchy guide, at least Tomas isn't bitchy.

I remember having one childhood friend when I was around fifteen, we were best friends and would do anything and everything together. People would think we were dating but we honestly were just friends, he was a year older then me and looked out for me.

Kiaza was this tall masculine figure and that's a compliment because he is human, he had pale skin with dark hair and light eyes. Hazel maybe? I don't really know, his eyes would change according to the weather, at least that's what he told me.

His intentions were always pure and he got in the habit of asking me before doing something, well more like asking me to come so I'm not left alone. Unfortunately, Bailey used to get picked on and I wasn't for it.

Believe me when I say that I stalled as much as I can, but when people push your buttons you're bound to explode right? Well that's what happened. Bailey's bully got what was coming for her and it was just unfortunate that I was the 'messenger'.

When I came home with bloody knuckles Kiaza was not happy, in fact he just went on and on about how it was inappropriate for me to be fighting kids. His lectures went on to last me decades and when he finally stopped he just stared at me, I finally had the chance to apologize so I took it.

I told him I was sorry and he just hugged me. What he did next was full of shit, he moved. Across the world. And texted me. A text!! Saying how he couldn't bring himself to tell me and that he'd always look out for me. Asshole.

The bell rings brining me back to this painfully dreading reality, I look up at Tomas as he taps away before standing. "What do we have now?"

"Chemistry?" He guesses, taking the lead and I follow behind him. Thank the universe he's talking to me again. When we get to our class the now familiar scent swifts up my nose making me glance over at Saint, his eyes find mine but moves as fast as they came.

I take my seat next to Tomas and wait for our teacher to come in, I take my pencil case out my bag and start fiddling with the zip. Soon enough a teacher walks in and I look over at Tomas. "Chemistry?"

"This is Chemistry." He shrugs, I look back at the teacher watching him take a seat, he doesn't even quite the class down he just does his own things. "We all pass with flying colours."

"With no work?" I question and he shakes his head.

"Well, we get work," he quickly reply's "he hands out a new booklet every two lessons. It's optional really." At that out teacher stands and start heading out some booklets, when he gets to us I thank him taking the paper form his hand.

My teacher looks up at me a little surprised and give me a small nod of appreciation before handing the the rest of the class their booklets, "So how come he doesn't teach?" I flip my front page open.

"Try teaching a class full of arrogant alphas. You said it yourself, plus what are the odds an alpha listens to a human. Even for teaching." Tomas explains to me.

"Maths isn't like this," I point out.

"Our maths teacher's a werewolf, so is English, the rest are either witches or vampires or in his case, human." I nod when he finishes his sentence then scribble down on my work answering a question.

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