Chapter 21

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I walk up to the twenty-four hours supermarket and the doors slide open for us automatically. I look around and make my way to the aisle that looks more appealing, what are the chances it's also the snack aisle.

I don't either bother to look at the brand name or price for that matter and just grab bags of sweets and crisps, I go down a little further and see some milk chocolate that look tempting so I add them to my pile of goods in my hands.

My hands are officially overflowing with each something in them, that's when I decide to turn around seeing Saint still there. "Hold this." I step towards him giving him my snacks and to my surprise he actually takes them with no hesitation.

I take it upon myself to wonder around a little before going to a self check out, Saint close the gap between us gently brushing his biceps on my shoulder as he puts my things down.

Even though hate myself for it, I can't help but feel a little flushed as his touch sends tingles all throughout my arm. I quickly suppress the feeling as best as I can and scanning my bags.

I'm a little thankful when I see American credit cards are aloud so I don't have to like call the manger for or anything. I gather all my things and stuff them into a bag before going back to my primary mission, putting distance between Saint and I.

I start to make my way back the way we came and listen to Saint footsteps behind me. "You're making this really hard for me." He says just as I see the hotel, I want to go to my suite but instead my feet take me towards the beach.

"Making what hard for you?" I ask staying in front of him.

"The more you push me away, the more you make this harder. For the both of us." He adds.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I make my way to a near by picnic table. I take it I've shut him up again and take a seat in the middle of the bench hoping he'll take he hint and sit opposite me.

Apparently not. He sits right next to me, making me scout over a little. I try ignoring him and put my hand in my bag fishing for the chocolate bar. "I want you Nadia," I look up at the crashing ocean the looks like the darkest shade of red "my wolf wants you."

"Shut up," It comes out as a whisper and I look over at him, his eyes look pitch black but not because of his wolf, it's because of the dark lighting "you can't say shit like that." I mumble.

I my heat beats fast as my fingertips finally find the chocolate bar, I fish it out and lightly push my bag away form me "I don't believe you." I say more confidently, probably because I'm too busy un wrapping my chocolate.

"Let me kiss you," he suggests and I quickly shake my head tucking hair behind my ear "everything'll make more sense."

"No," I look up at him "you're being ignorant."

"That's no way to talk to an alpha." He voice deepens.

"There's no way I can be mates with an arrogant son of a b-"

"Finish that sentence," he cuts me off "I dare you." Now his eyes are glaring down at me glowing red with his alpha anger, the silence between us is almost deafening until I look away no longer able to hold eye contact.

"My first day of school," I break the silence "my first day of school you probably knew." I take break a piece of chocolate off "Why now?"

"I needed to be sure. It's not the first one I've fallen for someone who's not my mate." He reaches over helping himself to my chocolate, I raise an eyebrow at him but don't stop him.

"I'm not your mate." I tell him and watch his jaw chew the candy in his mouth. I take my own and bite the first box off, the smooth chocolate melts on my mouth letting the sweetness swirl around before I swollen it down.

"You're staring to piss me off." His voice is back to that deep authority tone.

"Good." I hiss before I feel his hand on my jawline turning my head forcefully towards him, I smack his hand off my jawline and try push him away but he just grabs my wrist. I wince at his grip and drop my chocolate bar in my left hand and go to hit his hand around my wrist but he just grabs my free wrist stopping me.

I growl at him unleashing my wolf's anger probably making my eyes glow sliver, his does the same giving me a low growl as his eyes glow an alpha red. His eyes pierce mine as we both challenge each other making me realize a little late the small distance between us.

He lets go of me making my hands drop and I quickly collect myself, his eyes drag away from mine as he stands to leave causing my heart to drop to my stomach leaving a painful pinch. I watch him strut away but he turns before moving away some more.

I turn back to the ocean and tuck hair behind my ear, I take in a shaky breath fighting my blurry eyes. I'm not gonna let him upset me! There's no way I'm giving him that much power.

Nia totally disagrees with me and my body ends up turning back into the direction he left, "No,no,no." whisper to myself "I'm not his mate, I'm not his mate."

"Pull yourself together," I wipe the tear that escaped then turn back to the ocean.

This is unexplainable, I won't believe a word that comes out his mouth. He's a lair! Why is he trying to manipulate me? Do I have something he needs?

I just really need all this to stop.

I want you Nadia. My wolf wants you.

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