Chapter 2

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A/N: This song is seriously so good, it blew my mind when I first heard it. Anyway, please enjoy chapter 2 and let me know what you think!!


As soon as I stepped out of the door my eyes instantly tried to find Harry. I don't know what it was, but I've never felt this way after a conversation. He's funny and kind and insightful and beautiful and-

"Delilah!" I'm taken out of my thoughts by the sound of Jeff's voice, his arms waving over his head. I quickly walk towards him and the tension leaves my shoulders when I see the smile on his face. Okay, good. He's not mad at me.

I survey the room as I walk closer to him and I notice the arena is practically empty. I didn't think Harry and I were in the room for that long.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for like half an hour!" Jeff gives me a one-armed hug before giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, sorry. I found a room in the back and it was really peaceful, I must've just lost track of time. Sorry, I promise it won't happen again." I told him apologetically.

He gave me a pointed look, "Delilah, stop stressing. I told you I had faith in you. You aren't even technically working, I just wanted you to have a nice night and have your first look into this world." He looks around. "Speaking of, I need to find Harry. You were supposed to meet him tonight."

I feel my face heat, "Oh, I actually, uh, I met him already."

"What? When?" He looks around again. "After his performance I couldn't find him, so I just assumed he went home." He looks back at me. "When did you meet him?"

"He was in that room I was in. Probably just taking a breather after his performance." I guessed. I didn't know if Jeff knew that Harry was out of it today.

"Oh." Jeff shrugged and glanced around the room as he spoke. "Good then, you've met. You guys are gonna be spending a lot of time together, so I need you to get along." He looked back at me, "It went well, then? Meeting him, I mean."

I tried to shrug nonchalantly, "Yeah, he's nice. So, are we heading out then?" I had to change the subject. If I thought about Harry any longer then I wouldn't be able to form a sentence without looking like a cherry tomato.

Jeff starts heading towards the exit and motions for me to follow. "Yeah, let's get out of here."

A few days pass and on Tuesday, I wake up to a call at 7 a.m. from Jeff telling me to meet him at his office.

I walk to the kitchen and see my roommate and best friend, Sebastian, making our iced coffees, his with cinnamon and mine black and unsweetened.

He hears my footsteps and his blond hair flops as he looks up with a smile. "Hey, D. How'd you sleep? Nightmare?"

I pad closer until I reach my stool at the counter. "I didn't. And yes." I sigh as Seb frowns.

"I'm sorry. And sorry I've been at work so much, I've been meaning to ask. How was the awards show on Friday?"

"It was good. Great, actually. Really great." I hear my own wistful tone before clearing my throat and grabbing my coffee. "Thanks."

"Really great, huh? Did you meet anyone famous?" His eyes widen and he leans his face closer. "Did you meet Ariana Grande?"

I laugh, "I wish. I met, um, Harry Styles, actually."

Seb's eyes widen even more. "Are you serious?! Why the fuck did it take you that long to tell me?" He smacks my arm while a murmur a small ow. "I mean, I know you were supposed to meet him anyway, but hello! You met Harry freaking Styles and you're this calm about it?!"

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