Chapter 7

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A/N: Hello! This is Chapter 7, I hope you guys like it. It's another soft one and one of my faves I've written so far :) I don't enjoy drama so I should probably tell you now that there's not gonna be much of that for a while, if any. (of course, there will be lolz). But yeah, not for a while.

*insert evil laugh*

Also, you're going to learn some of where Delilah comes from in this chapter! Hint: She was born in America but she's not from America.

I really doubt that helped.

Okay, new hint: Check out the song I attached! (And the fact that his album is called Golden really is just *chef's kiss*).

N e way, enjoy!


The week between Harry's texts and Saturday felt excruciatingly long and was full of more sleepless nights for me. We'd been texting and calling about the most random things and I quite liked it.

But now it was Saturday morning and I was sitting with Seb at the counter drinking my coffee.

With vanilla.

Seb stayed quiet this time when I asked for it, but his smile and wiggling eyebrows weren't very subtle. We talk about Seb's night and what he got up to and it's our usual routine except now I'm happier and my tone is lighter and it's obvious Seb notices. And it makes him happier, too.

After we finished our coffees, I go to my room to get dressed. What does one wear when they have no idea where they're going?

I decide to call Harry, fumbling as I do, and he picks up on the first ring.


His raspy voice heats my cheeks and I clear my throat before I speak. "Hi back. Um, what should I wear for this surprise?"

"Oh! Sorry, I guess I probably should've given you some hints. I suppose jeans and a sweater will do? Or a jacket, something like that, something to keep you warm."

I gasp dramatically, "Finally! Are you going to be the one to fulfill my lifelong dream of going to Antarctica?! Oh, thank you, Harry. You're too kind."

I hear his laugh, "I wish, Delilah, truly. But unfortunately, that's not on today's agenda." He pauses. "Is it actually your dream to go to Antarctica?"

"No." I sigh. "It's actually London, but that wouldn't have fit the joke."

"You've never been to London?" He asks incredulously.

"No, I haven't gone anywhere, really. And it's a good thing I don't dream of going to Antarctica. Being from Miami, there's no way I'd survive the cold." I laugh but receive no response for a while.

"You're from Miami?"

"Yeah. I've never told you that?" I furrow my brows and pinch my lips together.

"No. I don't know, I always figured you were from L.A." He tells me.

"No, I'm from Miami but I moved here after...Well, after." I simply say. I clear my throat, "What time will you be picking me up, by the way?" And I read off my address.

He notices my change in conversation with a hum, "I'm going to head out now and I should be there in about 15 or 20 minutes. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll let you go. And Harry?" He hums again. "Drive safe. Please."

I can hear the desperation in my voice, so I'm sure he can, too. "Of course," He says softly. "I'll see you soon, love."

Golden | H.S.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora