73. Rewind

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A/N: I'm just going to leave a light trigger warning here for some of you...haha...don't mind me.

Don't read if you're sensitive to topics about/related to dying!

Ok, please enjoy~



His gleaming red eyes as they stared at me felt...foreign...as if they came from someone I didn't know.

A buzzing feeling remained on my lips from when he kissed me and I had to touch my lips with my hand to confirm that it was real.

"...Flor...ence...?" I murmured.

"Yes, Lia?" he asked as he reached out to me and buried me within his arms.

I was in too much shock to even push him aside.

My body felt numb and nauseous as he wrapped me up inside of his body on the bed, which felt strangely cold at the moment.

"Shhh...It's okay..." he whispered over and over again as he used his hand to brush aside my hair from my face.

I turned my head to Florence slowly.

"Are you serious...?" I asked in a very quiet voice, to the point where it was almost a whisper.

"I've always been serious, Lia," he replied with a small cheerful grin that I could not read.

He rubbed my back gently with his sturdy arms as if he were trying to lull me to sleep.

His words were repeated in my mind.

Over and over again.

'I'll kill you.'


Florence wanted...to kill me...?

"You're mine, Lia. From the moment I met you, you've always been mine," he whispered as he squished me against his body.

The room was dark since there were no lights on and it was late evening.

I could hardly see the expression on his face, besides his two gleaming ruby eyes filled with obsession.

"I love you, Lia. I love you more than anyone else in the world."

An eruption of shivers went down my spine.

His words carried a weight that I didn't want to hold.

And then something finally cracked.

Broke apart.

Split in half.


In the back of my mind.

All of a sudden, it felt as if though a flip had been switched.

"Do you want me dead?" I asked slowly.

My voice was smoother than normal.

I felt strangely calm too.

"I want you to be with me...and only me...forever. I want to lock you away and tie you up...all for myself," he said as he gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

It wasn't a good enough answer for me to be satisfied with.

"Do you want me dead?" I repeated.

"It doesn't matter to me anymore, Lia, as long as you're by my side. As long as you're by my side, I feel as if though I can do anything."

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