75. Beginnings of Realization

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There was a silent tension in the air that was so thick and cold that I nearly started choking.

"I'm just about to go to sleep. What's wrong?" I tried asking as calmly as I could while doing my best to ignore the look of irritation on Florence's face.

"Is that so..." Florence murmured with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

He didn't seem to be very amused at the fact that Ace and I were alone together in my room.

To be fair though, if he just took a closer look, he would easily be able to tell that Ace and I weren't doing anything.

I was completely rolled up in my blankets and Ace was standing a meter away from me.

But from the look on his face, it didn't seem like he cared.

"Ahem. I'm pretty tired...so...uh...if you have something to say, just tell me now. If you don't, then please leave..." I said as nicely as I could.

Florence's eyes landed on Ace's and the two acknowledged each other with a short nod.

"Do you really have to kick me out like that, Lia? I just wanted to stop by and say hi," Florence said as he stepped into my room with short strides.

He stopped by the base of my bed before giving me a grin.

"You haven't come to see me for a while. I missed you," he said as he leaned over to me.

Florence's face was approaching mine slowly and was getting dangerously close before I pushed his head out of the way.

"What are you doing?" I asked, slightly flustered by the ominous look that flashed in his eyes.

"Nothing. I just thought I'd show my dear fiance some love," Florence smirked, clearly not affected by my rejection in the slightest.

I couldn't look at Florence properly, especially after my strange dream.

The entire situation was so awkward that I sat up on my bed and took a small peak at Ace, who was staring at Florence with an expressionless face.

But even though Ace wasn't really doing anything in particular, somehow, it felt as if though his eyes were reflecting a deep, dark abyss.

It was almost...kind of scary.

Maybe even a little scarier than Florence.

"What's with that look on your face?" Florence asked.

He looked to Ace with a small irritated frown on his face.

"...I don't know what you are talking about," Ace responded simply with a small cock of the head.

There was silence after that.

It was terribly quiet and awkward.

...I give up.

"Alright, that's enough. I don't know why you're here Florence, but clearly, you and Ace aren't  on good terms right now and I am very tired. Please get out of here...I'm having a headache," I said with a groan as I pointed to the door.

"Me? Why? Did I do something wrong?" Florence asked with an innocent smile.

"...Yes. So, please, leave," I repeated as I pointed to the door once more.

"Is it because both Ace and I are here at the same time? I'm sorry...it must have been uncomfortable for you," Florence gave a sarcastic pout.

"Yes, I feel extremely uncomfortable right now, so for the last time...Get. Out. Of. Here," I said through gritted teeth.

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