Chapter 46

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My day just gets worse as it progresses.  The confrontation with that kid was just the beginning.  He did end up going to the principal and embellished the facts quite a bit.  In his story, I actually pushed him.  And he even said he saw Hope and I together.  I'm pretty confident that he was lying about that.  But I can't be certain.

After telling my side of the story during lunch break,  the principal asked a couple of students from my class to tell him what happened.  Thankfully they told the truth.  But I was still going to be under scrutiny for the things I said to him. 

I told the principal that my brother Zander was dating Hope and I was just protective of my family.  I hated lying.  But the truth would get me fired.

I was also hearing all the rumors.  Some were just utterly ridiculous. I was worried about Hope.  My wolf was clawing at me to go to her.  He would not settle down and I was at a breaking point when she entered my classroom at the end of the day as my teachers assistant.  I could barely contain myself from going to her.  I could sense her need to be near me.  I had to send her out of the classroom for my sanity. 

I was disappointed in myself for the way I lost it with that guy.  But I was tired of him hitting on Hope.  Along with quite a few other guys who asked her as well.  But the others took no for an answer. 

After school, I drove home alone.  It was better this way.  I couldn't let the rumors continue.  Zander would have to pretend to be her boyfriend.  As much as I didn't like the idea, it was really the only solution.  I would have to suck it up and not let my pride or my wolf control me.

I waited anxiously at home for them to arrive.  I was pacing the living room after telling Mom everything that happened.   She was sympathetic, but also a little angry at me for letting my jealousy take over. 

When Hope finally walked through the front door, I practically threw myself at her.  She was wrapped up in my arms instantly.  She did not protest.  I took her to my room immediately.  There I sat with her in my lap, just holding her and rocking her.  I don't know if I was trying to soothe her or me.

"Noah, it's alright.  Everything will be fine."  She told me quietly.  "I know love, I just feel so bad for putting the spotlight on you like that.  I should have kept my mouth shut.  I'm so sorry." 

After talking about the plan to have her actually appear to date my brother, we went for a run.  Our wolves needed some time together.  I felt much better after transforming and enjoying the freedom of the forest with my mate.  Our wolves didn't care about the politics of high school.  Or that Hope was my student.  They just wanted to spend time with their other half.

At dinner, Mom and the twins did their best to make light of the situation.  I appreciated the effort to cheer us up.  We decided to have Zander actually take Hope to the dance to dispel the rumors.  I trusted him with her completely.  I was a chaperone for the dance anyway.  Zade would hang out with me.  Since we were only interested in finding our true mate,  the boys never went to school dances.  Once a year,  wolf packs in the United States would get together for large parties where we would hopefully find our mate.  It was easier than going from pack to pack, as some chose to do.

I eventually had to take Hope home.  It was torture.  I didn't want to let her out of my sight tonight.  But her Dad was still the boss, and we had to follow the rules.  We told her Mom that Zander would be taking her to the dance and they decided to go dress shopping later this week.  I informed her the dress should be as ugly as humanly possible.  Hope laughed.  But I was serious.

Hope and I didn't have lunch together for the next few days.  She let everyone at school see her holding hands in the hallway with my brother.  They really made a show of it and I hated every minute.  But I knew this was the right thing to do.  Hope did her best to make it seem real.  No one else tried to ask her out. 

The dance was tomorrow night.  The whole school was covered in flyers and decorations.  Students couldn't stop talking about it.  I was done with the whole thing.  At home after dinner that night,  Hope showed me her dress.  Although she looked beautiful in it,  I was already feeling jealous that I would not be the one accompanying her to the dance.

Then, suddenly the living room darkened.  Music started playing.  A candle was lit.  My family left the room and it was just Hope and I.  "May I have this dance Mr. Kingston?"  her beautiful voice asked.  I was completely taken by surprise.  She moved towards me and I took her in my arms.  We danced together as if it were choreographed.  We could sense each others movements before we made them.  It was amazing.

Hope smelled so good.  Her smile was bright.  Her hair was up in some sort of twist on her head.  Some tendrils of curls framed her face.  She was wearing heals, so she was a little taller than usual.  A broad smile was plastered across my face.  This was perfect. 

"Was this your idea love?"  "Of course."  She replied cockily.  Her confidence made me laugh.  "Well, this is amazing.  Now I won't have to wish it was me dancing with you tomorrow night."  "I would hope that you still wish you were dancing with me.  Who else will you be wishing you are dancing with?  That cheerleader I heard you were dating?"

We danced and laughed the rest of the evening.  Since it was Friday, she would be staying over night in her room here.  I was thankful I would have her close to me.  We went on a run before we finally said goodnight at her bedroom door.  I wanted her to stay with me in my room, but she insisted we needed to be careful.  I suppose she was right.  Tomorrow night would suck, but tonight I got to go to a dance with my soul mate.  And I loved every minute of it.

A/N   Thank you all for reading.  We are getting close to the end of Hope and Noah's story.  If you are enjoying it, please give it a vote.  And feel free to give me any feedback.

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