Chapter 49

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I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. It was dark. But I could tell it was someone's living space. I am laying on a couch. My wrist is handcuffed to it. Then I heard his voice, the person who took me I assumed. "You are awake already!" He said slightly confused. "I thought it would last much longer." He mumbled to himself. I deduced by his scent that he was a wolf. But it was definitely different. The smell was faint, but it was there.

I sat quietly waiting for some sort of explanation as to why I was brought here. He finally addressed me again. "You are a hard person to take. It seems they value you highly." He shook his head as if he were confused. This man seemed out of it. A little off. I guess you would have to be to kidnap someone.

"That's good. They will probably give me what I want for you." He spoke quietly to himself again. I was really confused, but didn't want to speak yet. Sometimes it's better to listen. "I can tell you are part human. I thought you would be weaker." He states bluntly. His commentary still does not give me any clue as to who he is.

"I have been watching for a while. I was hoping Kingston wouldn't get a mate. He doesn't deserve one. His father was weak. I killed him easily, and his Beta." My eyes opened wide in shock, now realizing who he was. The man who killed my Father and Noah's. A deep fear settled within me. I tried again to reach out to Noah. But it was no use. My mind was like sludge. I had no connection.

"So, you have heard of me then?" He asked with pride in his voice. I noticed now that one of his eyes was closed. I remember hearing that he was injured badly in the fight. Maybe he lost the eye. I just continued to listen without responding.

"She was mine you know? My mate, not his." He said with a childish rivalry in his tone. "I was always going to come back for her. So we could finally be together. But when I saw you, I knew I had the perfect plan. She never wanted to admit I was her mate, so I would have to convince her. But now, I can just trade you for her. It's perfect!" He said gleefully. This guy was nuts.

"My plan was so perfect. I'm really smart you know?" He asked, looking for my agreement. I wasn't going to give him any. "I had to hide my scent. They can't smell me at all. It's like I don't even exist!" He told me excitedly. I know for sure that he is wrong about that. I won't be the one to tell him otherwise.

"I have been drinking my scent masking medicine for weeks. But I had to spray it all over you. I can't believe how well it worked. I'm brilliant." He said the last part to himself. This guy is delusional.

"The telepathic blocker is working perfectly too. I can tell you can't contact them. Otherwise, they would have found you hours ago." That explains a lot. I wonder how long it will last. "As long as I have the upper hand, this is going to work." He informs me. "It will only last a day. So we have to do this quickly."

So I only have one day until I can contact Noah. But what if he has more of this drug? "Your body will adapt and make the mental connections again. Wolves are powerful creatures. I know you are new, so I am guessing yours is pretty weak. I'm sure your connection with Kingston is just starting. Having just met and all. So maybe I have longer than a day." He muses to himself again.

Little does he know that our connection is much stronger than he thinks. Maybe that can work to my advantage. I can try to appear weak and helpless. That could give me a chance to get away when my wolf regains her strength. The fact that he thinks so highly of himself is also an advantage for me. He thinks his plan is brilliant. But he doesn't know what lengths Noah would go to in order to protect those he loves.

"So I need to contact my mate now and tell her about the trade. You for her." He picks up an old looking cell phone. I believe it's so old that it doesn't connect to the internet and can't be traced. That sucks for me.

He dials and waits for the call to connect. I can hear the phone ringing and Delilah answers sounding frantic. "Hello, who is this?" She asks. "It's me, your mate. Aren't you glad to hear from me again? You probably thought I was dead. Good thing for you, I'm not." He says cockily.

"Where is she?" Delilah demands. "Woah, slow down. Don't you want to know how I'm doing first?" He asks calmly. He is really in his own world. "Oh, yes, of course, how are you Chuck?" She asks kindly. I guess she realized how crazy he really is and that she needs to play his game.

"I'm great! So excited to have my mate back. I can't wait to see you Delilah." He says softly. "Where have you been Chuck? You left me so long ago." She asks in a soothing voice. "I was detained for a few years in a nasty prison. But I was able to free myself finally in order to return to you." He tells her.

"Oh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. I was worried about you." She lies. "Where can we meet? We should have dinner together." She says hopefully. She knows exactly how to play this crazy man. "Well, I was thinking you could meet me at the airport. We could get on a plane and go on the honeymoon I was never able to give you." He suggests.

"That sounds perfect. You can bring Hope and I will bring my luggage, should I pack for hot weather?" She asks in one breath. "No, the weather will be cold where we are going. And I wont be bringing the girl. She will have to stay here until we arrive at our final destination."

"But she is just a young girl. She can't take care of herself. I don't think you should leave her alone." Delilah suggests. "I'm sure she will be fine. I will leave some food and water. She can reach it even with the hand cuffs." He says this as if it's an every day thing to leave someone cuffed, alone, for who knows how long.

Just then I feel a little tapping in my head. I immediately know that it's Noah. I can sense him! Thank God! My brain fog is clearing. I try talking to him, but it's not possible yet. But he's there. And that is enough to give me hope. He will find me before Delilah has to get on a plane with this guy.

"Alright then, what airport are we going to?" She askes. Sounding as if she fully plans on joining him. "Boston Airport, United Airlines, in the international section. Meet me there in 2 hours." He tells her. "I can't wait." I hear her say as he hangs up.

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