Chapter 52

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I have decided that nothing is going to keep Hope away from me. Not my job, not her Dad, and definitely not a crazy person. She is my Soul Mate, and she needs to be in my arms and in my home from now on. I won't hide our relationship. I am going to marry her. She is the most important person in my life.

I just told her that I am quitting my job. She is looking at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am. "Noah, you can't just quit your job! That's crazy!" "It's keeping us from being together. I should have been with you at that dance. You should be in my arms, holding my hand."

"Noah, I agree that we should be together, but you have responsibilities that prevent that right now. I will graduate soon, and then we can officially become a couple." She insists. "Hope, listen to me. My job is just something I do for extra money and because I enjoy teaching. I have a degree. I can get a job at any of 5 high schools that are within an hours drive of here. Or I can do something else." She sits silently thinking about that.

"Well, no school is going to take you in the middle of the year unless a teacher quits." "I could be a sub in the next district over. Or I could take some time off and build us a house." "What? Build us a house? What are you talking about?" "We aren't going to live here with my Mom. We own acres of land. I was going to build you a house over by that little river you like so much."

"Are you serious?" she askes shocked. "Of course I am. We are going to spend the rest of our lives together. And raise our own family. I already have some plans drawn up for the house." Hope then throws herself into my arms.

I hold her close and rock her back and forth. Smoothing her hair down her back. "Thank you." She says quietly. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for you Hope." We then fall asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, I drive to the school alone. My brothers will take Hope. I go straight to the principals office. I explain to him that I have some family obligations that will prevent me from staying on for the year. He tries to get me to stay. But I kindly refuse. I call one of the subs I sometimes use and asked them if they have availability for the rest of the semester until the school can find a suitable replacement.

After that is sorted, I call Hope's Dad. We agree to meet for lunch.

We sit in a café near the college where he works. "So what is this about? Is Hope alright?" He asks. "Yes, everything is great. I just wanted to talk to you about me and Hope." "Alright, what's up?" he questions me hesitantly. "Well, I quit my job today." I pause to let that statement settle in and for him to figure out where I'm going with this. "She is still only 18." he tells me. "I know. But I want to date her properly. And I want to ask your permission to marry her, in the future of course."

"I appreciate you going to these lengths to be with her. But is it wise to quit your job? I mean, how will you support her?" "Well, that won't be a problem. I am just going to take a little time off. But I am actually quite wealthy. So, I can afford to concentrate on getting things lined up for Hope and I. I am going to build her a house about a mile from my Moms. I own a lot of that land." I tell him as humbly as possible.

"What do you mean by quite wealthy?" he asks. "My Dad had a lot of money that my brothers, Mom and I received in his will. And he had a very hefty life insurance policy. Werewolves always prepare for the future of their family." I don't want to get into the numbers with him. I hope this explanation will suffice.

"Well, that's good, but how long will the life insurance last after you are out of work for a while and build a house? Houses aren't cheep you know?" "I know sir. I will have more than enough." "Son, just spit it out. I need to know if you can take care of my daughter." he says impatiently. "Alright, I just didn't want to come off as arrogant or like I'm bragging. But I have...around...I don't know...ten million dollars in liquid assets and more than that in long term assets like land and other business ventures." I tell him quietly.

He spits out his water. "Why are you a high school teacher?" he asks shocked. "Because I enjoy it." I tell him honestly. "Does Hope know this, that you are a millionaire?" "No, not really. I mean, she knows we aren't hurting for money." "Alright, well I suppose you will be able to take care of her financially. But you know I really care about her emotional needs. Can you be there for her when she needs you? Even if you have pack matters as the Alpha, or other business responsibilities?" "Of course. She is my number one priority. No one and nothing will come before her." I tell him adamantly.

He still looks at me uncertainly. "So, do I have your permission to marry your daughter?" I ask again. "Yes, you do. I know you love her, more than anyone else could. You have proved that to me." Then he shakes my hand. My heart rate goes back to a normal pace and we enjoy our meal.

That afternoon, when Hope returns, I take her into my office and show her the blueprints for the house. She makes some suggestions that I take note of. Then we run in wolf form over to the river. I want to show her where the house will be laid out.

We spend the rest of the evening talking about future plans. Our house, our wedding, our honeymoon. Back home, I make dinner while she works on homework. She has to go back to her parents house tonight, but soon I wont have to see her leave ever again.

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