Chapter 28

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"We aren't going to pretend that we are okay with this guys. It's going to take some time. You need to accept that"

It sounded like they may be giving us a chance. A small smile escaped my lips and I looked at my brothers impatiently waiting for one to continue.

"But we have both agreed to try" Seb finished

"BUT" began Jace "She is still our baby sister Noah, no funny business under our roof. You treat her well mate otherwise you can leave" Jace now stared at Noah. His threatening tone made Noah nod his head quickly

"You have my word" Noah stood up unexpectedly and stretched out his hand towards Jace motioning to shake his.

Jace stood up slightly more hesitantly and did the same and Jace soon followed.

"Just to make things clear" said Seb "I don't wish to see you two making out" he said walking past me and kissing me on the head.

I giggled and waited for my brothers to leave the room so I had Noah alone.

The truth was out and my brothers were willing to accept the idea. I couldn't be happier. Now I could enjoy my time with Noah together more without worrying that they would spoil it. 

The four of us spent the day laid out on the couches watching various movies. We took it in turns choosing the films. The boys opting for more sci-fi thrillers for their choices were not too pleased when I chose 'She's the man'. I firm favourite of mine, I think I had convinced them by the end of the film that it was actually okay. Maybe the soccer story line had helped?

Noah and I shared on coach while the boys lounged around on the other one and the big chair we had too. Nestled under a blanked Noah held my hand throughout, even when his eyes closed for a bit during the second film we watched. We shared some snacks too, Noah always offering to go and get them. Seb and Jace shared the occasional glance at us. Fairly expressionless, clearly still slightly uncomfortable. But we made sure to keep our affection to the minimum whilst we were around them for now. 

By the late afternoon we were all knackered. Sometimes doing nothing was the most tiering thing of all. My eyes were beginning to close when the boys phoned all buzzed at a similar time. I looked up towards Noah curiously. 

"Greg's throwing a party on the beach tonight... Want to go with me?" Noah whispered in my ear from where he sat behind me 

"I think I would rather sleep, I'm sorry. It's been an eventful few days" Honestly I wasn't up for a party now. Especially as it would be our first time out as an official couple, plus I hadn't met many of my brothers and Noah's friends yet. I am not sure I had the energy to do so tonight. 

"I'm up for it" Said Seb from his position on the couch

"Yep me too" Jace replied standing up from his seat and readjusting his jumper. 

"You coming Noah? You could tag along too May?" Seb asked, clearly not hearing the brief discussion I had had with Noah just seconds before"

"I think we are going to stay here" Said Noah "I'll order us a takeaway and we can continue our movie marathon" 

I nestled into Noah's chest, my eyes struggling to stay awake now. I could hear the boys continue to talk, but in my groggy state I couldn't quite make out what they were saying anymore. After a while the noises stopped and I fell comfortably into a deep slumber with my head nestled into Noah's chest.


I woke a while later, the sun no longer shining through the windows. Instead the moon and darkness took its place, telling me it was now the evening. I heard Noah from the direction of the front door and sat up hoping to find out what was happening. 

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