Chapter 31

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RECAP; "Surprise" someone screamed

I sat up from where I was slouched into Noah's side and jumped away from him. My mouth falling open in shock. My brothers faces resembling mine.

My parents.

My parents were here in South Carolina.

My parents were here and they didn't know I had a boyfriend. Or that he was the boys best friend. Or that he lived here. Or that he was much older than me.

I was royally screwed. 


"I am Noah sir" he said walking towards him and extending my hand. Then doing the same to my mother. As he pulled away he looked at them and spoke. "I am Maya's boyfriend" 

"Boyfriend?' said my dad looking Noah up and down trying to read him 

"You never mentioned a boyfriend Maya?" my mom said now holding me at arms length "Have you lost weight? Are your brothers not feeding enough?"

"Seb you're the oldest, why haven't you been looking after your sister?" she said now glaring at my brother from a far. The subject of Noah pushed to the back for now. 

"Moooommmmm" I said dragging her to the couch and sitting down "It's probably just the heat here in California, and the cheer workouts are harder too. I promise I am eating my fair share"

"Its true Mom she is" said Jace sitting back down on my sofa next to Seb. I threw a pillow at Jace's head for that comment. My dad sat down next to them leaving Noah standing awkwardly. 

"So why the surprise guys?" said Seb smiling with the joy of their presence but still slightly confused. 

"We were in the area" said my dad smirking

"I thought you were currently meant to be in New Zealand" I asked and then turned my attention to Noah. He stood listening to the conversation. Clearly unsure of what to do or say. In fact I don't think I had ever seen him this quiet before. 

"Enough about us, we will talk about us later" My mom said "Tell me more about your boyfriend" she finished grabbing my hands acting like an excited teenager and like no one else was in the room. 

My mom and I were fairly close before I came to live with my brothers. She knew I got up to a bit of trouble but being her only baby girl I got away with a bit more than my brothers ever did. I spoke to my mum a lot about my previous interests and to be honest I had missed that part of having her around. Ella and Grace were the only proper girl friends I had here, so it was nice to be able to talk to my mom again. 

"He is right behind you you know" I said pointing at him 

"Oh yes" she said as if she seriously forgot "Come and sit down Noah, tell us about you?"

I saw Noah gulp. But he walked over slowly and squeezed in behind me on the couch. 

"What do you do? Where do you live? How did you meet?" my Mom continued

Oh no. We hadn't discussed what would ever happen if he met my parents. The story we would tell them. My brothers had promised to be on their best behaviour when taking me in and that didn't include having a roommate in the first place. So it won't just be me they are annoyed at but my brothers too. 

"Uh so I um, I am actually a friend of the boys so I met May through them when she moved here a few months ago" he said rubbing the back of his head

"A friend? So you're a bit older than Maya then Noah?" asked my dad now getting involved

"I am 22 sir" Noah replied squeezing the side of my hip from behind looking for reassurance 

"I see" my dad said crossing his arms "And how do you feel about this boys?" he then looked to my brothers Jace and Seb for an answer

"Sure we were confused at first, our best friend and our sister" said Jace

"But" Seb interrupted "We have got used to it now so it's not weird or anything. Noah is always hanging here anyway"

"Well as long as you are happy baby girl" said my dad smiling at me from across the room

My dad and I had a good relationship too, but I never spoke to him about my antics. I am sure mom used to fill him in though. I had missed him a lot actually, especially as it was normally my mom ringing me to catch up and not him. It was nice to have him back in the same room. 

"So we thought we would stay for a few days?" said my mum looking at my brothers "You have 4 rooms right? Can we use the spare one?"

From across the room I noticed Seb scratch his head 

"Well the thing is mom" Seb began and looking between Noah and Jace uncomfortably  "Noah has been staying in the room for a while" he didn't stop and spoke the rest of his words quickly "he had some issues at home and he had no where else to go"

My dad and mom just looked to each other. 

"You are letting Maya's boyfriend stay in the same house as her?" said my mom "I should have been told about this. I would've flown Maya back home"

"This is my home now Mom and I am now 18, I can make my own decisions. Besides Noah was here first, he was already living here when I came to stay."

She looked at me nervously 

"I guess you are an adult" my mom said unsteadily 

"Juliette" my dad spoke up "We have to trust our little Maya now. Besides Noah has the boys seal of approval so he must be okay right?"

It was like my parents had decided to discuss this between them for a minute before coming back to us with a reaction. The rest of us stayed quiet. 

"Is he treating you good?" said my Mom reaching out to hold my hand between hers 

"More than good, but I do miss you loads" I said leaning into her for another cuddle 

"Then thats okay baby. We approve" she finished 

After a few minutes of us just taking everything all in my dad spoke up. 

"Is one of you boys going to get me a beer then?" he said holding his hand out like it was missing something 

"I'll get it Mr. Adams" said Noah standing up quickly to go and retrieve one from the fridge

"I like him already" smirked my dad leaning back on the couch with his hands behind his head. 

Another update done! What will happen over the next few days with Maya's parents?

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