Chapter 42

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 I sat down towards the back of the plane, hoping to get some sleep as it was a long flight. Secretly hoping the person sitting next to me would not want to socialise either so I could just be in my own little bubble for a little bit longer. Putting my headphones on, I began to play the new Taylor Swift album. That was all that I had listened too over the past month since Noah, it made me feel some sort of comfort. And I needed that comfort right now too. I leant against the window in the hope to fall asleep before we took off.

Over my loud music I heard a cough, ignoring it I continued to lean against the window and shut my eyes.

I heard another cough and looked up from my seat.


"Is this seat taken?" 

I looked up. Not trusting myself I did a double take. 

"Noah" I questioned not quite believing that he was actually standing in front of me on a flight to Rome. "What are you doing here?" I begin to feel uncomfortable and didn't know how I should feel or say. 

I was shocked to say the least. It had been a couple of months since he broke up with me and he hasn't even message me since, and yet here he was staring back at me. He was still devilishly handsome. Still had that annoying smirk and totally adorable smile. 

"We are going to Rome aren't we?" he said, putting his bags in the over head cabins and taking the empty seat next to me. 

I just continued to look at him, unsure what to say next. Why was he even here?

"Look Maya. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, and I promise it will all make sense. But I love you okay, and I am here now to join you on the trip of a lifetime. One that I hope will be filled with memories we will cherish for ever" he said, reading my confusion

"But why are you here Noah. Why now after leaving me and putting me through all of that?" I was upset. Maybe even angry with him.

"Just give me a chance. Let's wait until the plane takes off and I will explain."

Without replying I put my headphones back on and fastened my seatbelt. Leaning back towards the wall filled with mixed emotions. Part of me wanted to listen to Noah, to understand and forgive him in a heartbeat... I still loved him, I knew that. But the other part of me knew he had let me down and broke very promise he made to me. 

I was woken up by a gentle shake of my shoulder. It was Noah. I must have fallen asleep. 

"I can talk" he began "But I think you might want to read this first" he handed me a letter and I took it without looking up at him. 

Dear Maya, 

Firstly we are so sorry. As your brothers we wished we could've been there for you more and understood what you needed and wanted. At the time we thought we were doing what was best for you, it didn't take us long to realise we had made a mistake. 

A couple of months ago we asked Noah to leave you alone. We wanted to make sure you didn't sacrifice anything for your first love, for one person you hadn't long met. Even though he was our best friend, we knew you had fallen fast and we didn't want you throwing your life away to please him. You had these big dreams and adventures, and we didn't want you to give this up. 

Noah did as we asked. It wasn't his fault, please don't blame him May. He did nothing wrong. He was kind, loyal and caring to you the whole time. It was wrong of us to interfere with your decisions we know that now. 

We hope you can forgive Noah, and overtime forgive us too. We only sorted this a couple of weeks ago when we saw there was no way to help you get over the heartbreak and pain that we caused. We hope you can enjoy your time Rome and long after, whether you decide to get back together or not. 

We are so sorry Maya. Please see we were only trying to help.

Sincerest apologies, 

Seb and Jace 


I was dumbfounded. Confused and hurt. But most of all I felt sorry for Noah. It wasn't his fault after all, and all this time I had blamed him. 

I didn't hate Seb or Jace. I was angry yes, but I knew as my brothers. The overprotective ones that picked me up a year ago from the airport... were just trying to do what they thought was best. Without my parents around they did all the looking after me, but they forgot I could look after myself too. 

"I am so sorry princess" Noah said taking the letter from my hands and folding it up "I didn't want to hurt you I swear. But your brothers were adamant there was no other way. I tried Maya, I have missed you every minute of every day of every week we haven't been together" he took my hands in his "I love you May"

I looked down at our hands and then back up at Noah. His cute smirky dimples still prominent despite the hurt and pain in his voice. His eyes also pleaded at me, willing me to respond. 

"I love you Noah" I said in response. "You hurt me, but I know now it wasn't your fault" I said tears starting to form 

"Shall we go travelling together?" he said, now smiling it me. A sense of relief spread over his face

"Lets go to Rome baby" I giggled back and lent into him. I needed to feel him, the warmth and the comfort. It had been too long. 

"Just me and you baby" he said

"It's us against the world" I replied. 


And there we have it! Maya and Noah are back together, they're heading to Rome and everything is right in the world. Thankyou to everyone who has supported this book. My first full book, one  that has challenged me in more ways than one, but I have loved the journey it has taken me on. Hopefully the ending will make you smile :) 

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