Topper The Savior

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"Let's go" a cop says to John B as he was sitting in his cell.

"Where are we going?" John B said to him.

"Mr. Routledge. Have a seat." The warden of the hospital said as John B entered. "Sheriffs departments gonna need a statement from you. You can have a lawyer present if you want to."

"I don't... I don't..." he starts

"Charges have been dropped. You're free to go. When you give your statement, be prepared to tell everything you know about Rafe and Ward Cameron" the warden said.

"Rafe and Ward?" John B asked.

"Well what you waiting on? Get on home." he said to him.

"Yes sir. Yep" he said and started leaving when Thomas gave him his clothes.

"One more thing." Thomas said as he brought him outside after he got changed. "She isn't exactly street legal, so make sure you get her home safely." He shows him the Twinkie which is in pretty rough shape.

"Yeah. Yeah" John B said as he walked, got into the car and took a deep breath. "I'm back, old girl. Later Thomas" He started driving back to the cut saying hi to everyone outside.


"That's a lot of wax on your board man. Put too much it's gonna get slippery." Pope said to JJ as they were outside of the Chateau hanging out.

"Are you telling me how to wax my board, Pope?" JJ said to him.

"No, I'm just saying that's a lot of wax." he said.

"No, you're telling me how to wax my board. Are you kidding me?" JJ said.

"No, I'm saying that's a colossal waste of wax" Pope said smartly. 

"Guys, really?" Kie said cutting in. There is a honking sound in the back.

"Did you hear that?" JJ asked.

"Are you serious?" Kie said as she saw John B pull up.

"Hold on. Am I dreaming?" JJ said

"No!" Pope said.

"Guess who's out of the clink, boy!" John B said as he skipped out of the van.

"No freaking way, man!" Pope said as they ran towards him. 

"My boys out of the can!" JJ said as they all hugged. "How'd you do it? You bust out?"

"Uh, they dropped the charges" John B said.

"They dropped the charges" Pope said.

"That's phenomenal" Kie said

"So, you're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ asked him.

"Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time?" Pope said sarcastically.

"'Foolproof'" Kie said.

"Yeah, it was, actually." JJ said.

"Wait, where's Sarah?" John B cut in noticing his girlfriend wasn't there. "No, no, no... Where... where's Sarah?"

"She went to go meet Wheezie last night. She didn't come back." Kie said to him. 

"What about Logan?" he asked looking at JJ. The group all look at each other with worried looks.

"We don't know." JJ said.

"She said she had something to do yesterday and I let her be. She hasn't come back either." Pope said to them. They all had worried looks on their faces not knowing where their friends are.

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