Bonus Chapter #4

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"Shh, be quiet." John B said to JJ as they tiptoed through The Chateau.

"I'm trying!" he whispered to his friend. They kept walking until they reached the hammock. There sleeping in all her glory was 14 year old Logan. "Should we do this, man? I mean it seems kinda rude, and you know she will kill us when she wakes up."

"You're so whipped, man." John B chuckled as he stopped walking to look at his friend.

"I am not." JJ said as his face turned a bright red. He looked to Logan then back to John B and put a face of determination on. "Let's do this shit." They walked over and quietly picked her up, she started moving which made them freeze in their spots. She stopped and started snoring. The boys breathed out a sigh of relief and started walking down the dock.

"I'm so happy she's a deep sleeper." John B whispered as he walked backwards holding her legs.

"Same." JJ said then paused as she let out a large snore. "Not so happy about the snoring, though."

"Why? Is it because you're gonna be sleeping beside her for the rest of your life?" John B teased his friend. He started laughing when JJ turned red for the second time that night.

"Shut up, man." JJ smiled. They reached the end of the dock and gently placed her on the air mattress they found (stole) from town and put there earlier. The boys then slowly pushed the mattress onto the water and watched it start to float away. "She's gonna kill us."

"Oh yeah." John B smiled then ran over to the bell at the end of the property. They waited until she was about 20 feet out then started ringing the bell loudly. Logan jumped up in surprise then looked around her, only to see water.

"Ahhh! What the hell! JJ! John B!" Logan screamed. She tried to get up but slipped causing more water to flood on the mattress. She turned and saw the boys standing at the end of the dock laughing at her. She glared and dived off the mattress and started swimming. For someone who just woke up she's swimming really fast.

"Oh shit!" JJ said and pushed John B up the dock.

"Go, go, go, go. Run!" John said and they ran into The Chateau. Logan jumped out of the water and chased after them.

"I'm gonna kill you guys!" she screamed. 

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