Chapter three

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"Hannah!" My mom says through the phone. "How is Outer Banks, meet any friends yet?"

"It's good. I met a few people yeah."

"Wonderful, any cute boys?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"Nope." I lie. I can't tell her that I've already met two of the hottest guys I've ever seen in my life because she will forever torture me about it.

"I'm sure you'll find them." She says.

"When will you guys be getting here?" I ask.

"A little later than we originally had planned. That's what I called to tell you. We are going to be at least another two weeks." She says.

"Alright." I say. I'm not really phased. I don't know why I didn't look for my own place here because it's only going to be me here.

"I'm sorry honey. We are so excited to get there."

"It's okay. I'm fine here." I say.

"We love you sweetie. Talk later okay?"

"Okay, love you too." I say and hang up the phone.

I let out a sigh, I'm not sure why because I should have expected this anyway. I just wish I knew more people before I got stuck here alone.

It's been two days since my last encounter with Rafe. I've been to Sarah's place once since then and he wasn't home. I didn't bother to ask where he was because I truly did not want to know.

I have mixed feelings when it comes to Rafe. I'm obsessed with reading people and trying to figure out their story. I'm usually good at it, but he is so different. He's impossible to read and I'm almost afraid to learn about his background. Not because I think he's going to hurt me, but because I'm afraid to find out something I don't want to know.

When I was in high school I had one boyfriend. His name was Levi and he was so hot. Way too hot for me. He was a jock and I was a total nerd. We dated for almost six months and almost everyday he begged me to have sex but I couldn't do it. I can't even use the strict parents excuse because they were hardly around to know I even had a boyfriend. Deep down, I knew having sex with Levi would have been a mistake, but the other day with Rafe, if he started stripping me in the living room I don't think I would have argued. That right there is my problem.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I know it's Sarah because she's the only person here who has my number. Nobody from home has messaged me yet to see if I made it here alive.

Sarah: We are going to the beach today, wanna join? xx

Me: Depends, who's going?

Sarah: John B, Pope, Kie and JJ. We hope you'll be there too!

Me: I'll be there. What time should I meet you?

Sarah: Twenty minutes?

Me: K, see u then

I smile at the screen. I like Sarah and the rest, they have been really sweet to me since I've gotten here. I'm glad I met them because I would be going insane here all alone. Nobody else has made an effort to talk to me yet, besides Rafe.

I shake Rafe's image out of my head and pick through my suitcase to find a bikini to change into.

Once I'm changed and full of sunscreen, I start my walk to the beach Sarah had showed me yesterday. The worst thing about my parents not being here is that I don't have a vehicle to use right now. I don't mind getting the exercise here though, it's a much easier walk than where I lived in Washington.

I spot Sarah's blonde hair blowing around in the wind and I start walking in that direction. The beach has more people on it than I like but they don't even turn their head to notice me. It's so different being in a small town where nobody cares whether you're there or not. I figured it would be the opposite, moving from a big place to a small place.

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