Chapter seven

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"I shouldn't be here." I say.

"Then why are you?" He asks. His voice is harsh and it's an amazing sound.

"I have no idea." I say.

"Just can't resist?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"I have questions about you. So many." I say.

"Like what?"

"Well for starters, Sarah came to my house the other day to tell me to stay away from you because you're dangerous. She told me you shot somebody, is that true?"

"You aren't a good listener." He says.

"Don't avoid the question." I say folding my arms.

"My, you've certainly gained a lot of confidence since the last time we were in here." He says.

"Seriously Rafe." I say.

He sighs and throws his head back.

"Sit down." He says. I walk to his bed and sit on the edge. I don't want to get too comfortable because I don't plan on staying here long.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to upset you or anything. I would just like to know some things." I say.

"You aren't upsetting me." He grunts.

"Okay." I say, even though I don't believe him.

"I shot the sheriff last summer." He says and I almost chuckle because it sounds bizarre.

"Why? Did you kill her?"

"Yeah." He says. "I was trying to protect my dad."

"From what?"

"Listen okay, my father isn't a good man. I don't even know how to explain this because the situation is fucked up. He would kill me just for a bit of money but I would do anything for him."

I study the growing anger washing over his face.

"That is fucked up." I say. "I'm sorry."

"I don't like talking about it, it makes me go insane." He says.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about it anymore."

"I guess you want to leave now huh? Scared you to death."

His eyes meet mine and I study them. Behind the anger and fire in them, I somehow see a sweet guy who just needs help. I hate how I try to find the good in everybody, because not everybody deserves that, but for some reason, I think Rafe does deserve somebody to help him.

"No, I'm not afraid." I say truthfully.

"Seriously?" He says.

"Yeah, I can see that you're a good person, even though Sarah said you weren't"

"Fuck Sarah okay, she's not who she says she is either. She betrayed our family to be with that pogue. She lost so much, could have had everything but she turned on my father."

"Sounds like a complicated situation." I say.

"It is, Sarah is selfish and I can't stand to look at her sometimes."

"I'm sorry that your family situation is messed up. Mine isn't perfect either." I say.

"What's your deal?"

"No where near as difficult as your situation, but I grew up most of my life alone. My parents are always travelling for work and they missed so much of my life growing up. My nanny raised me."

"Are they here with you now?"

"No, not yet anyway. They say they will be here sometime this week but I never believe it until I see it."

Dirty MistakesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora