𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕘𝕠, 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣

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[ The next morning ]

Aura slowly opens her eyes as she feels the sun beaming into her face, she rubs her eyes before slowly sitting up, looking around she realised she was alone, Eddie wasn't sleeping by her side. She frowns a little confused.


She calls out. Maybe he went to the bathroom? She groans placing her hands to her head as she felt a sudden headache, the thumping in her head got louder and louder. She groans slowly standing up.

"Aura baby!"

She quickly turns around to the door, that was her sweet mother's voice calling from outside.


She calls back as she rushes to the door opening it, with a soft smile on her face she walks outside, looking out to the lake and around the trees. No one was there. It was obvious. She was hearing things. She sighs slowly turning to face the door again and before she could even take one step forward back to the house she hears another voice.

"It's all your fault..."

She gasps softly closing her eyes hearing her father's voice.

"Aura, why.. don't you know it's dangerous to drive at night?"

Followed by her mothers voice but this time the voice sounded demonic, distorted almost. Aura slowly opens her eyes, her heart thumping fast as she gulps fighting back the nausea she felt. She slowly turns around and takes a step back gasping as she sees her dead parents standing a few meters away from her. They looked deadly, like zombies. Blood bleeding from everywhere, their skin was like rotten flesh, their clothes ripped up and their eyes looked like it was stitched up. Aura begins to sob as she shakes her head.

"No.. no!"

In panic she runs inside and slams the door shut, leaning against the door, her whole body shakes in fear.

"It's just a dream.. it's just a dream.."


She opens her eyes as she watches Eddie run down the stairs and towards her. She begins to cry running into Eddie's arms hugging him tightly, he slowly wraps his arm around her caressing her back.

"I saw them.. I saw my parents..."

All she heard from Eddie was 'shh' as he was hushing her and comforting her.

"It's okay little one I'm here.."

Aura instantly opens her eyes, still feeling Eddie caressing her back she frowns. Eddie never called her little one, it was off. She instantly rips herself from his arms and gasps at the sudden change of Eddie. He wore a different outfit, had a bandana around his head and his bloodshot eyes, blood dripping from his mouth, and his clothes shredded, it looked like he was bitten a dozen times. Eddie tilts his head to the side staring at her, speaking with a distorted voice.

"Look at me Aura.. this is all because of you. I sacrificed myself for you,  you know? This is what happens when you love too hard. Everyone you love just dies.."

His voice was now distorted.

"If you let go, just surrender.. I won't need to die.."

He says again, Aura sobs shaking her head.

"You're not real... you're not my Ed"

"Oh but I am Aura.."

She takes a shaky deep breath and turns around running to the door, opening it she sprints outside. It felt like the trees were hoovering over her, darkness was hoovering over her.

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