Chapter 8

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Pope said" How's it feeling?"
Kie said" Feels good."
" Taking you down."
" Okay."
JJ said" John B pullin' a houdini."
Pope said" Yeah, where is he? I got my scholarship interview tomorrow morning. We gotta get this done!"
" Speak of the devil. Hey! Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."
Pope said" No, he did not. I did that." John B walked past us,
Kie said" Hey, John B."
" Hey." He walked inside,
JJ said" Okay, that's it?"
Pope said" Uh... what's that all about?"
" I was gonna ask you the same question." He got out of the hot pool," Munch, we'll be right back." I continued playing with Turtle and Ducky, they walked inside.

They walked out, John B got on JJ's bike,
He said" Ward knows about the gold. He killed my dad." Then he took off,
Kie said" John B!" Chasing after him, they stopped and watched him drive away.

We were on the boat, I climbed onto JJ's back,
I said" Bubba, sleepy." I rubbed my face against his neck, he wrapped an arm around and held me up.
He said" Yeah? Go on to sleep, we're not even halfway there yet." I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck, starting to fall asleep...
Kie said" You sure he got everything?"
John B said" Every bar. The whole enchilada. It's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit."
" John B-"
" What, Kie? It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?"
" You should care. Your arm's gonna be messed up for life."
" It's fine. See?"
Pope said" Guys! Guys! Oh! Oh!" He ran onto the dock and to us," Oh, god. I ran all the way here."
" You alright?"
JJ said" How was the interview, Pope?"
Pope said" Don't ask. JB... Look, I'm sorry, dude. About everything."
John B said" It's fine."
" But-But I don't have a lot of time, and-and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, Hm, why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?"
JJ said" Gold."
John B said" That's right."
Pope said" Exactly. Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go."
Kie said" Guys, we can't give up now."
JJ said" What's the plan, big man?"
John B said" We're gonna steal that shit back." JJ lifted me up as he got off the rail and they ran down the dock.
Kie said" Come on, boys!"

JJ said" We go in there, guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámanos, get the hell out of there."
John B said" Send that shit right down the intracoastal."
Kie said" Wait for the weather."
Pope said" Exit to Cuba."
JJ said" Cuba? No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money."
John B said" Let's do this shit."

We got out at a fence,
Kie said" What's the plan? Broad strokes."
John B said" I don't think we got that far."
Pope said" They're loading up the gold."
" There's Ward."
Kie said" What? What?"
" It's Sarah."
Pope said" She's with him?" John B looked through the binoculars,
" Wait. He's hurting her."
Kie said" What?"
JJ said" What?"
John B said" They're fighting. Holy shit."
" Wait, so she- What? I had no-"
Pope said" Hey! What are you doing?"
Kie said" John B. Where are you going?" JJ lifted me back up as they ran to John B, he was in the van, they all yelled at him, then he drove forward.
JJ said" Don't be a hero, dude! John B!" He broke the fence, they ran after him,
" John B!"
" What are you doing, man?! Come back!"
Pope said" Hey! Hey!"

We heard sirens,
Pope said" Guys, I can't get arrested."
JJ said" I'm on probation."
Kie said" Look, we're no good if we're all in jail."
Pope said" Come on." Pope lifted me up and we took off, I held onto Pope's shoulders.

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