Chapter 19

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JJ said" You did not tuck and roll, that's for sure." Then the cross was falling, JJ held me tight as he moved away, Pope rolled out of the way.
Kie said" Pope, are you okay?"
" Hey, you good?"
Pope said" Yeah, I'm good. Just give me, like, one second to, like, catch my breath."
John B said" You did it, Pope."
JJ said" Pope, she's... she's beautiful."
Sarah said" I've never seen anything like it."
" Detail's insane."
John B said" Well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad."
" Whoa. Good find. How much do you think she's worth? Like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, I'm talking like high billions."
" This belongs in a- No! This belongs in a museum."
" What? So no one sees her?"
" In a museum where everyone sees it."
" Are you kidding?"
Pope said" Hey! It's my ancestors' cross!"
" Right, okay. All right, all right. Well..."
" This is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth."
John B said" Yes. If we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So saddle up."
JJ said" It's heavy like right here. Wait. Hold on. John B, you're gonna pull, all right? Pull down."
" I'm gonna pull down. You guys pull up. Ready? One, two, three." They started trying to get it, they started moving a little.
" Who's not lifting right now? Sarah, are you seriously-"
Sarah said" I'm lifting!"
Kie said" Move forward, people!"
JJ said" It doesn't feel like it!"
Sarah said" I am!"
Pope said" Okay, guys. I can't. I can't."
Kie said" No! No, no, no!"
JJ said" No, no, Pope! Hang on there! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No!" Pope dropped it, they all stopped," Damn it, yo! You almost dropped it on my foot!"
Sarah said" 'Cause I'm the only one lifting it!"
" Oh, you sure-"
John B said" Okay, okay, okay, okay! Listen, we'll make like a sling, like a little.."
" Yeah, yeah, and then put it on the tail hitch."
Pope said" Guys! Guys, guys, I'm not okay. I'm not okay."
Sarah said" Your eye, it looks all puffy."
JJ said" You don't look too good, bro."
Pope said" I can't-"
Kie said" He's having an allergic reaction."
Sarah said" How many times did you get stung?" Pope passed out,
Kie said" What about the cross?"
John B said" JJ, try and hide it."
JJ said" I got it. I got the cross."
" Here we go. Come on. Come on."
" I don't know how I'm gonna hide this!" I followed them out, JJ ran out, everyone was rushing, John B swooped me up and put me into the truck. Everyone jumped in and JJ started driving.

I was crying, it was really loud and everyone was scared, and it's all too loud! JJ jumped out, running to Ricky's door,
John B said" Stay right here for a few minutes, Skye!" Everyone got out, running to Ricky's door, I wiped my face, sniffling, staring as they went in.

Pope was running out,
Pope said" Let's go get that cross! Whoo!" He jumped around," Game six!"
John B said" Yeah, game six!"
" I'm Michael Jordan!" I pushed open the door, looking out,
I said" Is Pope okay?"
Sarah said" Yeah, Skye, we're coming, hold on a second."

Pope was driving, he was going really fast! I was holding onto JJ's arms, he had one arm wrapped around me.
JJ said" Pope, last to judge, but I think you should slow down a little."
Pope said" That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there."
Kie said" Why did we let him drive again?"
" Because I said I'd rip your ears off."
Sarah said" Because he said he'd rip our ears off."
Kie said" You did say you'd rip our ears off."
Pope said" I was joking about that, by the way."
" That's a really funny joke."
John B said" Hey, how ya feeling, buddy? How ya doing?"
Pope said" Uh, fantastic. I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!"
Kie said" We couldn't tell."
John B said" Okay, well, um, you're going really fast right now." JJ started trying to get the seatbelt to work,
Pope said" Yeah, really fast!" He looked back, he started swerving,
" I don't know if you noticed, but there's these giant oak trees all along the road. They're like six inches off the road."
Kie said" You don't need to pass. You don't need to pass. You don't need to pass!" Everyone screamed as moved and then moved again really fast, JJ held onto me tighter.
Pope said" What an asshole, right?"
" Pope, he's going the speed limit!"
John B said" We're not gonna get to the cross if we're dead, Pope!" JJ made me put my face into his neck, he held me so I was curled up with my head against his neck.
Pope said" We're not gonna die. It's our divine right to get that cross."
" Pope! Look at the road!" Everyone screamed as, then we hit something, I cried as I got scared," Is everyone okay?"
Sarah said" I think so."
JJ said" Never better." JJ opened the door," That is the last time you drive, Pope." He got out, rocking me, I held onto him,
Kie said" My dad's truck! No!"
" Kie, one word. Totaled."
" My parents are gonna kill me for real this time."
" Yeah, well, weren't they already gonna do that anyway?"
" Okay. Helpful. Thank you."
Pope said" We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way."
Sarah said" Dude."
" I'm going to get my cross."
John B said" Hey, just relax for a second."
" Get off of me."
" No. I'm trying to help."
" Move. I'm getting my cross."
" We just crashed the car."
" I'm close."
" I'm trying to watch out for you. Hey, man!"
Kie said" Pope! Pope!"
" There's a truck coming."
Pope said" Get off of me!"
" You're gonna get hit by a car! What are you doing? Pope, no! Stop!" The truck passed us,
" We gotta get back to the church!" JJ held me as he started running.

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