Spaghetti and TV

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It has been three days since Ezra came to her room. She was worried he would spill out something but thankfully he did not. Everything is just the same which is cool. Today was Saturday. Her brothers and their father were out for some bonding time. They had given off to the staff making all of the houses to herself. Anyone could see Shaira prancing around in her room with a bright smile.

She had a fun routine for self-love. The inspiration she got from Daniel. First, he forced that on her, but when she did it. You could say it kind of rubbed off on her. The simple task is a coffee for herself and watching the random stock market and startup journeys. This was always confined to her room but today she decided to widen the space. There would be a feast in the living room for her which she will make. obviously.

Sporting her cute yet embarrassing pajamas which Aunt Vanessa bought her but who is here to judge her?

She turned on the tv. There was an interview on going. She turned the volume up and went to the kitchen to make something up.

"In conversation with one of the most successful business tycoons in the world. Please welcome, Mr. Patrick Garner. The first and most asked question to you. What's the reason for your success? " The interviewer asked

Mr. Garner chuckled.

"I want to say my hard work in the right direction led me to my success"

"Oh, such a piece of shit. Inheriting your parent's company is your luck, not your hard work" Shaira added while making sauce for her spaghetti.

"Very well Mr. Garner. We got the intel that the biggest group in Italy is going to be soon entering Your country. What do you want to say about that? " The interviewer asked

"Well as we know, the biggest in Italy is the best in the world right now. We have been waiting for the new faces to arrive. Guess they are!" Garner said nonchalantly knowing exactly what it is about.

"What about partnership?" Interviewers spew out ranting for some spicy news.

"As we know Garner Corp has always been the best in the industry. The choice is theirs but results in I think everybody knows" Garner smirked

"Get your head out of the gutter Garner. The company was best when your parents worked on it. You are just eating ripened fruits" Shaira scoffed

"As the competition has risen quite folds. do you still think your company can grab it?" Interviewer inquired.

"Yes. of course," Garner said confidently

"No, not a chance. Dexton is not dumb." Shaira said plating her spaghetti.

"You are shining with confidence. Any special reason?" Interviewer asked

"Yes. They sure are out of brains to lose a deal" Garner cackled.

"Did he call Dexton dumb on national tv?" Shaira was stunned. Mr. Aestus had not given him a multibillionaire company. He made it by himself. Although Shaira hated him personally but professionally He is the best one to learn from. The aura he had when he walked inside the company is to die for. If you are wondering how? Guess she had snooped around the company for a long time.

Share put a mouthful of spaghetti in her mouth and lean to listen more closely.

" Dexton and I have been long friends. He is practically my brother." Garner boasted

"He did not need anyone extra. He is quite occupied by his three." Shaira rolled her eyes. She had a prickling feeling for the first time. She was practically talking to the tv like they could listen to her remarks.

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