You- who love me the most.

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Diaz was sitting in the garden attached to hospital rebuking himself again and again.

This would not happen if I paid attention to her. If I could be a little more fucking considerate. Will she forgive me for this?

After all of this time away from her, he did not realise he missed her so much. He could still remember 12 year old Shaira running into his arms even before he could put his bag down. He would never loose her. He will make sure of that.

"Hey! She woke up!"

Diaz eyes snapped towards Ezra who was waving at him. His ears did not believe what he heard.

"Shaira! SHE WOKE UP!" Ezra said. His eyes beaming with happiness. It did not take long for Diaz to get up and run in Shaira's ward.

This time, he will cherish her more than ever.

As soon as He entered her ward. His eyes watered. He never thought that he would came to love Shaira this much. He thanked each and every god for saving her.

Shaira eyes also teared up. The emotions she suppressed came out as soon as she saw her big brother.

Dexton and Ezra was still there to witness the scene. As soon as Diaz saw her cry. He rushed to her bed and hugged her tightly.

"Its okay. You are okay. We are okay" Diaz said as he rub her back again putting his chin on her head.

Shaira cried for the first time from when she wake up. She felt safe. She doesn't need to be strong in front of him. Diaz has been there in all her breakdown sometimes silently consoling her or sometimes cursing everyone she wanted to curse as - Shaira doesn't curse to somebody, at least not vocal.

" I thought I would die. I could not even breathe. My body was not even moving." Shaira sobbed burying her face in his stomach.

"I would never have let you die. You know that. You are safe." Diaz said. His words fumbling but still came out strong.

Shaira was crying hysterically. Anyone could tell how much the incident affected her. Dexton and Ezra was in shock to see her crying. They had been there before. Maybe about an hour. Dexton was by her side all along but she never shared her worries to them. She put on that brave smile and telling everyone even doctor that she was okay but once she saw Diaz her whole demeanour changed.

Not everyone was close to Shaira in venidestine family but Dexton was. Even for a brief period, he was that person to her. Dexton could see his position was long gone and taken by somebody else.

Both Dexton and Ezra could feel burning sensation of jealousy raging in their veins but alas, they could not say anything. They are merely the person who had hurt her the most in the world maybe more than the incident itself.

When Shaira sobs turned into hiccups. Diaz sighed. He poured a glass of water and gave it to Shaira to drink. Her eyes were red and face too, because of so much crying.

"You are so cute even when you cry, Shaira." Diaz smiled softly looking at her younger sister who had finally calm down.

Shaira glared at Diaz. Her face could not get more red than before.

Diaz could not help but chuckled at the cute sight making Shaira bowed down her face in embarrassment. Diaz was like that. Shaira has never felt a moment of awkwardness with him. If someone knew a person who acts like a warm blanket around you whenever you talk to them making them feel a sense of comfort and safety. Diaz was that person to Shaira.

She could not believe-still-the love she had expected and thrived from someone else was given so easily by him like she was always meant to be there.

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Where stories live. Discover now