Be Alright

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Shaira was sitting in the backseat of the car with her brother. If that was a dream-no matter how weak she sounds right now. She wanted it to never end. The winter was on its peak but Dexton was there. Her family was there.

She wanted to do nothing with them. On the other hand, she was afraid of being alone again. She was afraid of everything. The cost of her freedom was highest price she would have ever paid.

She was changed but they are changed too. They all have evolved.

"I think that doctor shouldn't hug his client. That's unprofessional."

Dexton said taking all of Shaira's attention. Shaira shook her head.

"I have hugged him, Dexton. He was sad today."

"You never hugged me. You even hugged each and everyone of your brothers voluntarily but you never hugged me."

A small laugh escaped Shaira as Dexton looked at her shocked. A small cough and Shaira knew Paul was shocked too.

"I never thought of us having this conversation."

"But we need this conversation."

Shaira couldn't help but look adoringly at his big brother. He was her big brother. There age don't match but their bond was strongest of any of other brother. Dexton also knew that.

Shaira didnot said anything as she scooted over her brother's side and put her head on his shoulder. She sighed.

"You were my favourite, Dexton. I never had to show it because you knew that very well."

Dexton eyes widen. She was right. She was always right. Her eyes shown bright than before but her hurt was still there. The deep hurt which could not go away in such a short period of time.

Dexton hand trembled as her words haunted him more. He couldn't get his place back. The harsh truth scorched him but he will make sure, he became the person she called first. If he didn't get his place back, he will create a new place for him.

"Well, You are my favourite. You will always be."

Dexton said making Shaira look at his face. Dexton winked at her making Shaira eyes widen.

Shaira tried to speak but no words come in her mind. She felt it that for the first time, her brother opened up to her. He finally opened up in front of someone showing an ounce of emotion. He felt more humane.

"I will make sure that I take full advantage of it. You might regret it, Dexton."

"I will never regret it. I would be looking forward to it."

Dexton said as he smiled and his kiss Shaira's head. Shaira smiled through her teeth. Definitely, he won her over.


As they reached home. Shaira smiled at Paul who opened the door for her.

"Thankyou so much, Paul."

"No problem, Shaira."

" I hope you are well now."

Paul said as he ruffled her hair. Dexton was busy with the phone call so he got sometime to talk to his favourite barista.

"Better than before. How's your health?"

"Perfectly fine."

"If you miss my coffee. You are cordially invited to the sunflower cafe. I would be honoured to listen to your rants again."

Shaira said. Although she doesn't work there anymore. She was more busy because of her upcoming exams. She was still down for a coffee with Paul. He used to rant all the time about his boss and how overworked he was. How devil of a boss he had.

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