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I take a deep breath and walk in before the Kool-aid effect wears off. I spent the majority of last night and this morning preparing for this. Listening to how to get perfect revenge and ways of executing it. It’s exactly one o’clock in the afternoon, and I can’t bring myself to compromise on punctuality, despite the fact that my purpose here compromises all of my values.

I look around and get the satisfaction that I have aroused the attention as intended. All that is left for me is to bask in it as I catwalk to my destination hoping the heels I have will preserve my dignity and not embarrass me by tripping in front of tens of people.

He lifts his head, his eyes wide with surprise, and I am transported back to the first time I saw him. He was seated alone, and I was carrying an order tray. I couldn’t deny that he was alluring; he smiled at me, and I blushed. It wasn’t unusual for me to be hit on while working, but the way he looked at me that day was absolutely phenomenal.

He was dressed in a suit that seemed a size too big. A jet black hair that was well groomed. His eyes held me with each step putting me in the spotlight. I always believed that if you base your worth on something, it will die on the same altar. And that day as I exchanged numbers with him, I had never felt so wanted, and sadly with his actions, I came to feel unwanted.

I swallow a bitter lump as I pull my chair and sit in front of him. I fight to stay strong and not allow my heart to flutter with how he sweetly gazes at me like the first time.

If only that never changed...

“Thank you for coming.” He says.

“Mason,” I call out the name of my husband. “I am glad you want to fix things,” I state the words leaving a bitter taste after. All I have to do is pretend to be the same person he manipulates over and over. Lead him on and build hope on hot air as he does with me.

He gazes back at me. His face is badly bruised, and I can guess Rome won the fight. I keep my eyes on the same level as his lapel. Now he wears fitted suits no longer that man I met at his lowest. That day he had come from yet another disappointing job interview. And had given up, he came to the hotel I worked looking for any kind of job. He sat for hours sipping only on the water as he waited for the manager. I could tell he was tired and hungry.

The hotel employees could get meals at a discount and i had to order one for him. I don’t think he knows it came from my paycheck. I only told him that the manager had ordered for him as he waited.

Later that week he got a job offer after I had to sweet talk one of my regular customers who happened to be a human resource manager at a pharmaceutical company since that was Mason’s line of career.

And now i have to wonder if he felt indebted to commit to me because i was kind and helpful, or if he actually loved me at the start.

“You look different,” Mason states though I can tell he is not impressed. It is a long dress with a slit that leaves nothing to imagination.

“Just trying different things.” i answer.

“You don’t need to change.” He says and I bite my tongue. Certainly, he wants me to remain the same gullible wife so he can toy with me.

Silence engulfs both of us. On other days I would find anything to say so that he doesn’t feel bored and just have his attention. Now I don’t care.

“I am sorry.” He says and I just stare back at him unfazed.

“Come back home and work things out like we always do.” I feel insulted by his statement. It is my fault i have enabled his behavior, and now i am the one he expects to solve the mess he creates.

I shake my head, “We agreed. After two months.” I remind him of the wife swap agreement, which he never objected to and now wants to breach because it no longer serves him.

I wonder what happened to Esme and him. Why does he want me back while he is already living with the woman he claimed to love?

“I don’t care.” He balls his hands into fists.

“Well I do, you know I don’t do things partially.” I remind him of my principles.

“What do you want me to do so that you can come home?”

How I wish he wouldn’t ask such questions that put him where I needed him to be: desperate.

“Nothing. I want you to do nothing but uphold your end of the bargain.” I lie to him in a tired tone, employing reverse psychology. His face is obscured by a cloud of surprise. He probably assumed I’d be overjoyed and run after him back home. Two weeks ago i would have.

Now he will go back home and that will bother him more than anything. My silence and lack of demand bothered Mason throughout our marriage. If he wronged me and I remained silent, in the next weeks he would reform. Unfortunately, it would be fleeting as my pent-up rage and pain would eventually burst open, and now I would be the one apologizing.

He brushes the tip of his nose and gulps his water. “Just remember that anything you want, I am willing to do.”

Sometimes I forget how he bombards you with love until you forget the wrong he did, and I am confident that anything I ask for now will be granted. Unfortunately, every act of kindness from Mason comes at a cost.

“I will.” I most certainly will, because the demands I intend to make will make him wish he had never met me, and then I will hang him dry.

I get back to the house in the evening. I can hear voices from the other side followed by a feminine laugh. After the kiss, Rome and I have become more estranged. I push the door open.

The people inside turn to me. I immediately recognize Rome’s parents and there are three other girls that bare a resemblance to Rome and I presume they are related.

“We were waiting for you.” His mother speaks, and my gaze is drawn to Rome, who is avoiding me; I’m not sure if this is another intervention or not.

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