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I stand from my seat and take a slow step to the two people on the door. I feel like i am in a terrible dream.

“Where is she?” I hear my mother’s voice yell at Rome.

I’m dazed and confused, wondering if I’ll wake up from whatever nightmare I’ve fallen into. They’re still there when I open my eyes, and I know I have to face them one way or another.

I gather my strength and take small steps toward Rome. He occupies the majority of door frame, silently telling them that they would not be allowed in and that this is his home. He looks at me, searching for my face, as if there are answers to be found there. I’m as perplexed as he is as to why they’ve arrived. Despite the fact that I have been ignoring their calls.

“This is why you’re not returning my calls!” She barks as if we have a normal relationship that entitles me to answer her phone calls. We don’t talk unless Mason calls to complain about something he doesn’t like. And with both of them here, he must have told her something, which is terrible if she drove here.

My mind races with answers and words I could say to them, but none of them make it past my lips. That’s how they make me feel. I always end up being the villain no matter what I say, so I keep my mouth shut.

“You left your husband to come live with another man?” My mother inquires, and my gaze is drawn to Mason. He is not looking at me; rather, his gaze is drawn to Rome. And that’s when I notice he’s holding my arm, keeping me by his side.

“Who are you, and what gives you the right to speak to her that way?” Rome asks my mother.

“Where is your respect? I am her mother!” She answers him.

He is unaffected by her outburst; he turns to Mason and chuckles, masking the anger that is boiling within him. “Take your mother in law and leave!” Rome says to Mason.

“Not without my wife.” Mason states.

“She’s not going anywhere.” Rome responds. And I feel like a spectator in my own life as everyone starts making decisions for me as if I am incapable of doing so.

Mason takes a step and try to grab my hand, he is unsuccessful as Rome pushes him back. A part of me feels sorry for him and i almost go to his side.

“See, this is what I was referring to. She defies me.” Mason informs my mother.

“You are leaving with us, i am your mother!” She demands.

“Did he even tell you why I’m here?” I inquire of her.

“Is there anything to tell? You abandoned him for another man, his friend. “Didn’t I teach you better?” My mother asks.

I turn to Mason with a disappointed look and say, “I’m not going anywhere,” as I shut the door in their faces. The realization that he probably didn’t tell her about the wife swap gives me the strength to realize that explaining to my mother won’t make a difference. I could be bleeding to death and she would still support Mason.

Rome Pov

Athena’s mother and Mason bang my door for almost forty five minutes before they finally give up and leave. She seems so scared of her mother and that must be why Mason brought her here.

He has been texting me for the past few days, suggesting that we meet and talk, as well as end the wife swap pact. He is too irrational when he doesn’t get what he wants, which explains his numerous affairs, which would result from a minor disagreement with Athena and his desire to punish her.

She seems anxious and has been playing candy crush on her phone.

“Previously i dreaded ending up like my father, but now i fear not being like him.” She puts her phone away and speaks.

“What happened to him?” I ask.

“He loved her and couldn’t live without her.” She says absentmindedly. “I love like him, speak like him, think like him and up to an hour ago, I feared I would end up like him. However, after seeing how miserable my mother and Mason are, I would rather be my father.”

I move closer to her, “I believe to love is more powerful than to be loved,” I say and she smiles warmly at me.

“You defended me; it’s a new experience,” she says.

“Only a fool would throw you to the wolves.” I say.

“Esme is lucky to be with you.” She says.

“She was, i am divorcing her.” I correct her.

Her eyes widen, i am surprised she expected me to forgive infidelity. I wish she won’t tolerate such disrespect in her life.

“Does she know?”

“She will tomorrow.” I say.

“Wow! your mind is made up?” She is still in disbelief, as if leaving a cheating partner is a difficult maze to navigate.

I nod, though i hoped she would say she is leaving Mason too.

Her phone screen lights up and takes a look at it before shaking her head.

“Why did you agree to wife swap?” She asks.

“Because i care for you?”

“Why? You have no obligation over me.”

“Then that should tell you that i really care even when i tell you that you shouldn’t go back to Mason.”

“You really are making my work very easy, is that your intention?” she smiles.

“What work?” I ask confused.

“Reasons i should sleep with you.” She replies.

I had forgotten about it for a moment because just being with her is too fulfilling, and her presence dominates every thought in my head. I tried to think of reasons why it was a bad idea, but all I could come up with were thousands of other reasons why I should have her in my bed. At the thought, I feel a surge of desire.

When i look at her again she blushes like she can read my mind. She is bold one minute and the next she has a child like innocence.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask her.

“I would rather show you.” She gets closer and i hold my breath when her lips find mine.

Warning: Next chapter will contain mature themes i.e Sexual scenes.

Chapter 34 is now available at inkitt

Username: ivybrown179

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