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I find myself standing at the entry point of the storage, my eyes fixed on Rome who is crouched near something that resembles a chest.

"Wow!" He looks at me and then back at the storage, clearly impressed. "This is quite a treasure. You must have really touched the woman's heart," he says.

"Or she just didn't have anyone else to leave it to, and I happened to be available," I shrug.

He gives me a skeptical look and shakes his head. "You can always speak your mind. That's never been an issue for you."

"You know what you should work on? Your negative attitude towards yourself."

I roll my eyes and squat down to examine the box near my feet. As I open it, I discover a collection of silverware. It's as if the woman knew exactly what I wouldn't think of, but still, I'd need them. The storage is filled with various boxes, artifacts, and a vintage clock. My curiosity draws me towards the clock, and I lift it to inspect it with genuine interest.

Rome turns to look at me, and I meet his sorrowful gaze. The past few days have been melancholic since our dance competition. Amidst our routine, I blurted out that I was leaving, causing our movements to lose synchrony, and we ended up at number three.

"Why?" He asks, still in disbelief. I guess he didn't see this coming. Neither did I, but it's a decision I had to make. I didn't want to dive into another relationship, especially now. I'd always wonder whether it's what I truly wanted or just a rebound from Mason.

"It wouldn't be right, even if we both wanted it," I reply, averting my eyes from his intense gaze.

"I've never been so sure of something before. There was someone else, but not you," he confesses.

"Esme?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

He shakes his head. "No, Becky," he says, and I glare at him, more puzzled. He's always avoided talking about that name.

"In the early years of my marriage with Esme, we struggled to integrate our different values. It took a toll on us, and during that time, I was working..." He pauses, glancing at me, probably guessing where this is heading. I always had a different perception of him, and now he's about to shatter that image. Maybe that's why Esme said he wasn't innocent either.

"I don't want to know," I quickly interject, stopping him from going further. I don't want him to crush that image any further.

"I want to tell you everything. I want you to know me because..." He stands, turning fully to face me. "...because I'm in love with you," he says with unwavering confidence.

I rub my temple, and he observes me cautiously. "Why are you telling me this? To keep me here?" I feel frustration building up. "You're just like Mason, manipulative, deceitful. Birds of a feather, both of you," I snap at him.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. How could I convince you that you were better off without him if you knew the truth?"

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes. It feels like going from a frying pan into the fire. Why is the universe always against me, or am I the problem?

"You lied to me just to have your moment and deceive me, take me for a fool, cheat..."

"Cheat?" He asks, seemingly not having listened to me.

"You should leave," I point to the door, urging him to go.

"I never cheated on Esme," he asserts, and I feel like I'm in another mind game with Mason.

"Becky, your workmate?" I remind him, just in case he conveniently forgot about his conquest. I stare back at him with disdain.

"You didn't let me finish," he says, looking away from my reproachful stare. "I spent a lot of time with her. She was going through a hard time in her relationship..."

"Oh God, same old script!" I mutter, and he ignores my words.

"She must have mistaken my concern, and she started obsessing about us. She would call and send messages at inappropriate times with suggestive innuendos. My mistake was doing nothing."

"Or maybe you liked the attention," I retort, my anger rising as I remember Mason and the girls he would flirt with.

"Maybe..." he hesitates, "I should have stopped it. Esme came across the messages and confronted Becky. I don't know what went down between them, but..." He looks at me, fear evident in his eyes, "A few days went by, and I didn't see Becky at work or receive her endless messages. I figured she had grown tired and left." He shakes his head, filled with remorse, "I was wrong. She had overdosed and was found three days later. It haunts me to date."

My mouth is left open, it not what i expected and i don't know what to do now that i know his secret. It weighs on me like i am its owner,the blame he carries, and the "what ifs" he'll never find answers to. "Oh my God, Rome. It must have been incredibly hard for you," I finally manage to say, trying to offer some comfort.

"Worst of all, I found her messages in my spam folder. Esme had blocked her on my phone. I could have saved her," he says, his pain evident.

Without thinking, I rush to his side and hug him tightly. He seems taken aback at first but then returns the embrace. "I was afraid I would lead you on like I did with Becky. But along the way, I became sure of what I wanted. It's you I need and want," he confesses.

I wipe away a stray tear and step back slightly, trying to gather my thoughts. "The person I am right now cannot give you what you desire," I say honestly.

"I am okay with who you are," he insists.

"What about Wendy, your workmate?" I ask, wondering about his feelings for her.

"She likes Remmy better," he shrugs, a smile crossing his face.

"And I'm the only option left?" I ask with a teasing smile, considering Fiona and Noah's budding romance.

"We are undoubtedly the most good-looking among our group of friends. It's only fitting if we end up together," he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.

"I know you mean well, but that's not enough to change my mind," I tell him firmly.

Before he can respond, I cut him off, "And I don't want you to try to stop me. I will be back. Goodbyes are meant to be forever."

He shakes his head, "What is hard is not goodbye, but i know when you come back you will not be the same."

"I will have changed for the for the better," I respond.

"Okay," He finally says though his eyes don't show defeat rather a new challenge and i know he must be planning something. He has been begging me for days, he is not one to give up that easily.

"Can i drive you?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No,"

He doesn't push it further, "But i do want you to deliver a letter to my mother." I say.

He looks at me surprised. Since i left home she has never reached out to me. In her own entitlement she thinks i am the one on the wrong and should make the first step by apologizing. I will not. In my letter, i have told her what i think and feel. She will never accept her wrongs and that is okay, but i no longer desire a relationship with her. It was hard to write but i had to.

I dip my hands in my pocket and retrieve a set of keys. Debby left a cabin for me. I need to get away for a while to figure out what I really want. I don't want to rush into a decision. Perhaps if I decide to come back, I'll return with a clear mind, having put all this behind me.

"You were of immense help to me," I say to Rome.

"Just come back." He says as we step out of the storage unit.

I give him a weak smile as the reality of leaving sinks in. I hope life brings me back to him, and maybe, just maybe, things will be different when I return.

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