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"You and Alexandra... You know each other for a long time now?"

Brian sat in the chair across mine and explained their family history. They were 2nd degree cousins from Alex's Mother side, which proved him being a brown. During college, I was not asking him personal questions so he didn't bother to tell me that his family co-owned one of the largest company not just here in the country but worldwide.

Now I understood what they were telling before in college. That Brian was super rich, he's a total package is what they said.

He knew that I started my internship here through Claire and when he learned that, he wanted to tell me but I stopped communicating with him. So, if you would think about it, it's really my fault.

"But, you shouldn't have made that scene outside, when you hugged me and told my Boss and practically everybody who has ears in this office that I was The Cara. And by the way, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.

He laughed at that.

"I am close with Al, I grew up with her, she was like a sister to me and I tell her things, you know, girls and stuff." He paused for a second before continuing.

"So, she knows you by name already as I always tell her stories about you whenever we will meet."

"What kind of stories?" I asked him intrigued. I suddenly felt that it matters what Alexandra knows about me, I don't know why but it just does.

"Well, you know..."

"No, I don't know, you tell me." I cut him off irritated.

"That you were the girl I was chasing in college, that... you were the only girl that doesn't think of me like I was some kind of a prince charming..." I found it cute when he air quoted the words prince charming.

"... That, you were this great, very... beautiful, gorgeous girl that was not charmed by me, Brian Thompson." I saw sadness flashed in his eyes, or more like pain.

In an instant, feeling his pain, my hand touches his.

All of a sudden, the door opens and Alexandra appeared.

"Ohh, I'm sorry!" I heard her say without sincerity but more of sarcasm. Her eyes were in our hands and as if in cue, I took my hand back.

"Knock much?" Brian told her.

"I didn't know that she was still here... Are you ready?" She asked averting her eyes from me.

"Um, can you give us a minute?"

"No. It's fine, I'm leaving anyway." I stood up and walk towards the door where Alex is.

"Ok, I'll call you, Cara." Brian said.

I was standing in front of the door with Alex staring at me. I don't know what she was thinking, she was just staring at me blankly.

"E-Excuse me." Why do I need to stutter?

I glanced at Brian's when Alex didn't move even an inch, he was confuse as much as I am.

Not knowing what get to me, I lift up my hand to reach Alex's arm, I gently pull her to give me space.

She was taken aback by what I did, her hand reaches for mine and I automatically stopped pulling her.

We were staring at each others eyes for a couple of seconds before we heard Brian clearing his throat. In an instant, both of us turned our heads to him.

It was like a hot water poured on me, I pulled Alex completely out from the door and I left in a hurry.

And before the door closes, I heard Brian asked Alex what was that all about and before I could hear her answer, I turned my way to the elevator.

I pressed the elevator button multiple times like my life depends on it. As soon as it opens, I pressed the basement and pressed multiple times the close button.

What was that? I asked myself.

I leaned my back in the elevator wall like I was exhausted.

When I touched Alex's bare arm, it was like a thousand volt of electricity sends through me, I wonder if she felt that too. And when she put her hands on top of mine, I almost lost it if it weren't for Brian's presence.

What is happening to me? Why do I feel all these feelings toward my Boss?

There's this tingling in my stomach whenever her eyes will meet mine, when our skin will touch even if it is just the slightest, I feel this burn under her touch, the nervousness I feel whenever she's close to me and it all confuses the hell out of me.

How can she make me feel all these?

And when Brian was hugging me, why do I feel guilty about that? Knowing that she was seeing it, it made me feel uneasy.

When the elevator door opens, I ran to my car. I feel like I need to get away from this place as soon as possible.

All these feelings are mentally suffocating me.


The next day, I arrived at the office a little bit late. I didn't have much sleep, I didn't even had the time to go to the gym and to the shelter.

My mind was working non-stop and it just thinking of one person, one Alexandre Williams.

"Cara, are you even listening?" It was Cassey, one of our executives. Her hand was waving in front of my face while talking to me.

"I'm... I'm sorry, what was it?" I tried to focus.

"I said, there will be a meeting later and Alexandra wants you to take the minutes. It will be in the 8th floor, conference room at 11:00 later." I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Did you understand it now?" I mentally rolled my eyes at what she said.

"Yes, Cassey. I do, thank you." I told her politely even if I was annoyed myself.

She turned her back without saying anything.

Alexandra wants you to take the minutes. This echoed in my mind. It means I will be in the same room with her later, I need to take notes, but will I be able to focus? Dammit...

Ever since I came in the office, I haven't heard or seen even the shadows of neither Alex or Brian.

They're probably busy.

Good! I thought.

I was staring at the clock in my computer, dreading about the meeting that I have to attend in... 5 minutes. I should be heading down now before the meeting starts but I can't seem to move my feet.

With a heavy heart, I forced myself to walk to the elevator.

I can do this. Pull yourself together, Cara! I scolded myself.

I reached the 8th floor trying to brace myself.

Before I push the door of the conference room, I heavily sighed.

"You're late!"

My eyes that was on the floor automatically lift up to the owner of that voice none other than, Alexandra.

I apologized and look at the room full of people, I think they are 11 or 12, Brian was seated beside Alex giving me an empathetic look.

There was a chair at the end corner of the room and was planning to sit there, but before I could even touch the chair, Alex called on me.

"Ms. Greene, please be seated here. You'll be taking minutes of this meeting, you might as well be close so you can hear everything."

She pointed at the seat at the front corner of the room, almost beside of the huge monitor. It was just a few steps from where Alex is sitting.

That's great! Just great!

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