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Tuesday morning came and the drive to the office sure as hell is dreading. 

My eyes looked all puffy with all the crying from last night, I hid it with makeup and hopefully, nobody would notice it.

When I arrived on the 9th floor, my eyes flew to Alex's office. The light is still off so she didn't arrive yet.

Will she show her face after what happened yesterday?

As soon as I sat in my seat, David gave me a mountain of contracts to check and scan. This day would definitely be long.

I started my work and didn't notice it was already lunchtime. Alex was still a no-show.

Should I text her?

Nooooo! You'll scare her more.

I skipped lunch as I was not feeling hungry, anxious is what I've been feeling. Adding loneliness and Idiocy to that.

"Cara, are you not gonna have lunch?" I was startled to hear Brian's voice from behind.

"Geez! What were you doing snucking up from behind?" Brian let out a soft laugh. He pulled a chair and sat beside me.

"Are you not gonna have lunch?" He repeated.

"Look at this." I pointed at the mountain of files on my table. "I wanted to finish them all today and have them not on my back tomorrow."

"You can have lunch even for 30 minutes you know, or less if you eat fast." He joked.

I gave him a weak smile.

"You don't want to eat." It was more of a statement. I shook my head.

"Not that I don't want to eat. I just, I don't feel hungry." It was not a lie.

"Cara, can you be honest with me?" Brian said after a while. Those words made me feel nervous like I know where this conversation is going and I have no way to stop it.

I looked around and all our colleagues are probably still upstairs, which is good as I don't want anybody seeing us right now or worst, hearing our conversation.


"What's going on with you and Alex, Cara?" His face was so serious and his eyes were sad. He was looking at me and I think he'll be in a lot of pain if I tell him the truth.


"I can take it you know? And I think I knew, I just wanted to hear it from you."

I turned my seat to face him and held his hands.

"I don't know, Bry. I'm being honest, I don't know what we are. I just know that she's special and I have all these feelings for her that I never felt with anyone before." He bowed his head down, I guess for me not to see the pain crossing his beautiful eyes.

"But you know what, she doesn't feel the same so..." 

"Are you kidding?" Brian lift his head up and met my eyes. "Of course, she feels the same way. I saw it at my party last Friday. The way she looks at you, talks to you. And not only that, even here in the office. I will be with her in the corner, her ears are with me but not her eyes. She looks at you like you were the only one in the room." I frowned and wondered at his words.

Is that true? Then why did she leave me the other day when I confessed my feelings for her?

I shook my head, still not convinced.

Brian gave me a weak smile.

"I'm telling you, she feels the same way." He assured me.

"I'm sorry, Bry."

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