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6 months later

"Can you believe it, Babe? I got it in for my Master's Degree. Yeah, I know what you're gonna say... I should've taken the job, continued after the internship, it's your company anyway, but, it's a dream not only for me, but my Dad's too, you know."

I sighed deeply and stared into the gravestone where Alex's name was written.

Alexandra Williams

A loving daughter, Sister and Friend

September 28, 1996 - March 14, 2024

My heart felt heavier than the gray clouds hanging low in the sky.

It had been six long months since Alex was gone, and me visiting here everyday, but the ache in my chest was still fresh, raw, refusing to fade away like footprints in the sand.

I can't help but think back to that terrible night when she was rushed to the emergency room, the night she left us forever.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain as the memories flood back. 

I remember the panic as I raced to the hospital, the bright lights blurring as I ran inside. The hospital smelled strange, all antiseptic and fear.

The chaos in the room, the nurses, the curtain, the defibrillator, the silence after.

The Doctor who delivered the news to me of Alex's passing was a face I would never forget till the day I die.

"I got tired of asking why did you leave me so soon, Alex." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"You already told me that this would happen and I know, you would want me to accept it and move on, but how can I?" I reached for her name, tracing the letters with trembling fingers. The etched words felt like a cruel reminder of what I had lost, a silent echo of the pain that echoed in my soul.

"Our love just began, Alex. How is it I'm alone now? How will I move on if the only thing I want to do is to love you..." The sobs I was trying to stop, burst.

"How am I suppose to pick up the pieces, the pieces of me that shattered when you left me?"

I have no idea how much time had passed and I didn't care.

Being here with Alex gives me a bit of comfort, it's odd considering every time I visit her, the pain I feel never lessens.

"Alex," I whispered, the sound barely audible over the rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of traffic. "I miss you." The pain of her absence was an unyielding ache, a haunting melody that played in the recesses of my mind. I closed my eyes, trying to conjure her presence, but all that lingered was the echo of her laughter and the ghostly warmth of her touch.

Slowly, I rose to my feet, the weight of my sorrow still pressing down upon me.

I turned my back and threw a last glance at Alex's grave.

"I'll see you tomorrow my Love."




Hey there, my funny readers!

First off, a huge virtual high-five for sticking with me through 'My Boss'. You guys always rock!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why did Alex have to die and make us cry?" Trust me, I get it. 

But here's the scoop: life's one crazy rollercoaster, and sometimes it throws us a loop-de-loop when we least expect it.

So, when Alex faced off against that pesky brain tumor, it wasn't just about the feels—it was about showing that even superheroes have their kryptonite, so what more for someone normal? 

And let's not forget about Cara, the unsung hero who stuck by Alex's side through thick and thin, even when it felt like the world was falling apart. Her loyalty and love added an extra sprinkle of magic to the mix.

Now, I'm not saying I'm not a tiny bit evil for making you shed a tear or two (okay, maybe more than two). But hey, isn't that what makes stories memorable? The ups, the downs, and everything in between.

As you close the book, remember the wild ride we've been on together.

 Thanks for letting me stir up your emotions and for being the coolest readers a writer could ask for!

Catch you on my other and next books!



Hello, my lovely and funny readers, I set up a ko-fi account, so if you want to treat me, send me a gift, or simply motivate me, please feel free to visit my page: Ko-fi.com/lunamarcelo :)

Follow me on IG as well: LunaMarcel0

Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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