Chapter 1

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{Picture above represents Chris, Sebastian and Zakaria as teenagers} ****Many Years Ago

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{Picture above represents Chris, Sebastian and Zakaria as teenagers}
Many Years Ago...

There were two young boys, not more than thirteen, who were friends. Playing outside in their street and having fun. Not caring about the world or what was going on behind their own little world.

Suddenly a large van pulling up in the street, caught their attention. They stopped playing and watched as it stopped just outside the empty mansion that had a 'SOLD' sign for months. The boys were intrigued in seeing who had purchased the mansion.

The moving men came out and started to unload everything from the truck. The boys watched on and in doing so, they saw a few black cars pull up behind the truck.

Few men in suits came out and two men went to open the back door of the second car. Emerging out of the car was another tall man in a suit and a little boy. Who was the same age as the boys.

The boy smiled at them and waved. The boys noticed and didn't react to the wave. The tall man bent down and must have said something, because the little boy started making his way over to them. They backed up a little but were still intrigued in knowing the boy and the man.

When the boy reached them, he shot out his hand. They stared at him. "It's for a hand shake. Hi, I'm Zakaria" The boy introduced himself to them.

The first boy went and extended his hand for the shake "I'm Christopher. But you can call me Chris. This here is Sebastian"

"Nice to meet you both" Zakaria said.

"So, you're the new family moving in?" Chris asked.

"It's just my dad and I. Mum died when I was smaller" Zakaria explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry for that" Sebastian finally spoke. "I lost my own parents in a fire. Chris' parents took me in since then but we've been friends practically from birth"

All three boys spoke and Chris and Sebastian were intrigued to learn more about Zakaria. Zakaria spoke about how his father was very important and that he was learning the family business.

Zakaria wanted to tell them more, but was called away by the men in suits. "Maybe, once we settle in I can invite you over to play? My father can even show you what he does for business"

"I'll like that, Zakaria. Thanks" Chris said.

They waved goodbye and watched as Zakaria was pulled into the mansion.

"I wonder what his father does" Chris said

"Maybe he's in the business of hurting and killing people" Sebastian said, with a chuckle.

"Imagine if we did something to his son..." Chris shuddered with the very thought.

The boys talked amongst themselves for hours that day until it was time for them to get inside, have dinner and go to bed.
{Next Few Weeks}

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