Chapter 7

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{Flashback - Spain}

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{Flashback - Spain}

{Your POV}

After finding out that I was having twins, the doctor had told me... Well more like told Zakaria and ordered me to keep taking the liquid drink that I have been and to rest as much as possible. I shouldn't be overdoing myself or over stressing.

"Thank you doctor... You have helped us so much. I will personally make sure that she is well rested"

"Make sure you do. Those babies will need their mother to be strong and well rested."

Zakaria walked the doctor out, but I could see them mumbling about something that I couldn't make out. However, I did see Zakaria slip the doctor a few bills in his hand.

Once the doctor was out of sight, Zakaria rounded on me. "I want you on your best behaviour, little dove. For the twins' sake, I don't want you to stress out about anything or overdo yourself"

I didn't say a word. Because what I might say, might come out with a bad reaction and I will be stressed and regret about it later. So, in the end I nodded...
{Present Day}


As I was patting my boys to sleep, their fluffy hair brushing through my fingers, I watched as their eyes slowly drifted off but it was in that moment that something or someone was staring back at me. It was like another person and not Damon... My sweet boy, staring at me.

"Mamma?" His voice was quiet and soft.

"Shhh.... it's alright" I said, rubbing his forehead.

"You look sad"

"Do I?" he nodded. I smiled at him. "I don't mean to be, sorry"

"Like something terrible has happened and you can't fix it"

I reassured him with a smile. "Everything will be fine." I kissed his forehead "And who says, that I can't fix it? Now, please sleep. Your brother is already snoring"

We both looked over and sure enough, Maximus was fast asleep.

"He is a heavy sleeper" Damon said, trying to hide his laughter in

"He sure is. Now off to sleep, baby" I tucked him in before heading out the bedroom.

Looking at my two boys, snuggled in bed and sleeping...

I started walking to my bedroom, passing a few men and them smiling at me. For some reason, everything felt different, it felt strange. Since I saw someone else in my baby boys face.

I went to the office to see if Zakaria was there. He was... talking as usual...

"It's good to have you back, my old friend. Three years to long. I hope, everything back home has been taken care of and you've managed to tie any loose ends?" His voice sounding delightful.

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