Chapter 5

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Warning - a small part of this story is depicting women being 'sold'****{Your POV}

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Warning - a small part of this story is depicting women being 'sold'
{Your POV}

"Ladies and Gentlemen... please take a seat as the show will begin" A man came out on stage. "We invite you to relax, drink and if you are willing... to bid on your choice of women"

"Zakaria...?" I was confused.

"Tonight, we will get rid of Camila. She will be getting sold as someone else's problem. She will no longer bother you, threaten you, stalk you or even be near the boys" He whispered to me as the lights dimmed down.

"This is cruel. You can't do that to her, she's only human. It's not right" I objected. "I may not like her very much, but you can not seriously do this to her"

"She has been a pain in my ass for years and I have the right to do whatever I want, little dove. I am in charge of her and if I want to sell her, then I will. You will listen to me and let this be done. You will not have a say in this matter or bid for her"

His voice had gone dark and I didn't know why, but I was confused in loving it and hating it. It was dominating but it reminded me of a scary past.

Women came out, got bid on and left. One by one, Zakaria never bid, which I was grateful for that he would never do a thing like this. Except sell. Finally Camila came out and she was scared and confused and looked straight at me.

"This lovely lady is being sold by our very gracious Mafia boss... Zakaria Bane" The man said. "Shall we start the bid?"

A lot of man started fighting over her, but my eyes were fixated on her only and through the loud noises, she started yelling out towards me.

"Zakaria is a monster! He kidnapped you!" she was saying.

My brows frowned and my face began to contort into a confusing look. What does she mean by that?

"y/n, listen to me. Zakaria isn't the father! Chris and Sebastian are, you need to remember those names!" She shouted out...

"We're going... now!" Zakaria took hold of my hand and forced me out of the place.

We began to walk towards the car that was waiting for us, when I slipped my hand out of his. He turned around, facing me with anger.

"What does she mean?" I questioned.

"Get in the car, little dove" he said.

"No! I want to know what she means by that" I stood my ground. A fire was beginning to light inside of me. "Camila mentioned those things and I want to know about them"

"Get in the car! I will not discuss the lies that she was spitting out"

"No! You explain yourself to me right now, Zakaria. I will not be getting in the car otherwise"

He walked back over to me, trying to grab my hand. I moved back, not wanting his touch.

"This is ridiculous, little dove. I am your husband and the father of those boys! Now get in the car, before you make a scene and I have to deal with it all"

"By what? huh? By doing what exactly? Shooting everyone here, so I don't hear the truth?"

"Little dove, you are testing my patience. I got rid of her because of the her constant bullshit. She tells nothing but lies and she needed to be let go"

My face was now in disbelieve and disgust. The breeze that once was warm and reminded me of such joy, now felt ice cold. My breath was coming out like smoke. "I want to know the truth"

He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me. Placing his hands on each of my arms, rubbing up and down to help warm me up. "You will get sick, little dove" I wasn't going to budge though. He knew that "Remember when I saved you?" I nodded. "I saved you from two men that were dangerous. That wanted to break us apart. Christopher and Sebastian are their names"

"Why do I have a strange feeling like I know them?"

"Because they were the ones who kidnapped you. They thought by kidnapping you, it would hurt me. However, your husband wasn't hurt. He was fuelled with fire and hunt them down, hunt you down and saved you" He took a breathe "Before we met, Sebastian had shot me and I was in a coma. When I woke, I tried to get my life back in order. I had lost someone so dear to me..."

"Your sister"

"Yes, my sister. She would have loved you. I met you and I had sworn to protect you from danger. This lifestyle isn't a very friendly one, little dove. They wanted to keep you for themselves. Make you theirs and do whatever they wanted to you. I saved you, we got married and moved away."

"And the boys?"

"Are mine. You are mine. We are a family... Now please, forget about Camila. She is no longer our problem and you are getting colder by the minute. I want you to get in the car and warm up. I will pour you another drink to help with everything"

He led me to the car and opened the door. Before I got in, I turned back to the scenario for a last glance.

"Little dove, we will be late to our dinner"

I smiled at him and hopped back in the car. The car engine started and Zakaria closed my door before getting in his side of the car. It felt different not having Camila join us, but she was a lair and something in me was glad that she was gone for good

"Here, take this drink" He gave me the same glass I had before and I swallowed the liquid. "Feeling better?" he asked, after a few seconds. I nodded and began to take his jacket off. "No, you're cold and need it more than I do right now"

I smiled and leaned in my head onto his shoulder. He reached over, buckled me and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I could feel myself drifting off and my eyes slowly closing.

"Sleep, little dove. I shall wake you when we arrive to our place"

"What about...." I trailed off.

"Don't worry about dinner. I'll have something made up for you at home"

I looked out the window and as the car was pulling away, I saw everyone else leaving the mansion. I spotted Camila in the far distance and then nothing...

My eyes shut and I fell asleep...
Author's Note:

Camilla finally does something right and tells y/n the truth... hoping it would save herself from being sold.

But has Zakaria (with twisting the words that Camila said) deepen his poison more into y/n?

But has Zakaria (with twisting the words that Camila said) deepen his poison more into y/n?

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