Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five

Terrified, Kie and I sat in the back of a pick up truck now. I observed as Jimmy approaches; the people who'd kidnapped us surrounded us.

"We saved your life." Kie whispered, her voice shaking.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry." Jimmy's eyes were glossy. "I'm gonna try help you guys, okay? I swear, I didn't know it was gonna be like this. Look, if you don't fight, if you just do what they say, these guys prob... Probably won't hurt you."

"What did Ward promise you?" I spat out. I wanted to sound confident, but my voice cracked at the end of the sentence.

Jimmy stares at us blankly. "Who?" I stare at him, almost about to furrow my eyes brows. "Hey, just take my advice, do what they say." Jimmy steps away. "Good luck."

Kie and I both looked at each other once he'd gone. "Do we trust him?" Kie uttered out.

I bite the inside of my cheek. "I... I don't know. I don't know anymore." The pick up truck then turns on, and a muscler thug climbs into the back with us.

"All right, lets go." A guard informs and we begin to travel. I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear nervously, trying to look out for the others again. No one. They'd left us.

Kie and I make eye contact again. We decided to keep quiet. I sink lower into the truck, decided that I'd get some rest.


I'd say a couple of hours had gone by. We were coming into a lovely property now. Kie and I hadn't spoken a signal thing to each other yet.

There were lots of lands where we were driving too and a very nice mansion at the top of the hill. The estate was lined with palm trees. We were driving up the driveway, and we were stopped by some guards.  One holds lesh of a large german shepard.

The pick up stops and the dog sniffs around it. "All right, let them in." One of the declares. A guard raises a barrier, and the pick up continues down the long drive. I gaze around the estate, spotting guard towers armed with guns nearby.

I gulped a little. This place doesn't mess around.

The pick up eventually gets to the mansion and stops by an iron gate. We got out obligingly. One thug had my arm, and another thug had Kie's arm as they dragged us inside the iron gate. I glanced around the backyard; on the patio and balcony, there were many guards.

We approach the front door. A house keeper opens it, frowning. She wears a black dress with a white apron. We enter an elegant fourier with wooden fetchers and floral wall paper. I looked around at the various artefacts on display.

A thug stands at the bottom of the stairs case. "Take them upstairs." The house made demands. "The Orinoco Room."

"This way." The thug takes our arms, gripping tightly, and I winced. He yanks us. "Up." He guides us upstairs. A few minutes later, he shoved us into a room with green walls, and I felt like I could finally breathe. "Inside."

Kie turns to him. "Why are we here? Who are you working for?"

"Dinner at eight." The man spoke, and I finally looked at him again. "I'd clean up."

"Just tell us what they want!" Kie snapped as the thug backs away and closes the door. Kie tugs on the doorknob, but it doesn't open. She then looked around the room.

"Okay." I breathed out as she moved towards the window. "What's the plan? Do we escape?"

"There's no way we'd be able to escape." Kie eyes outside, and I joined her. At least three guards were standing on the deck in front of us armed with guns. I turn away with a scowl.

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