ACT V: The Devil's Door

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The growing pressure to be the hero just kept growing until finally... Buffy snapped.

The crushing weight of expectations had finally crushed Buffy Summers.

For the first time in her life, Buffy had killed a human being.

She had taken a human life.

There was blood on her hands.

There was blood on her hands

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Yet it had been for nothing.

She had killed to save Elena, but it had been too late.

Elena Gilbert had died.

Elena Gilbert had died

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Yet, she woke up.

Elena had changed.

Elena had changed

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But she wasn't the only one.

Now that Buffy had spilled her first drop of human blood, she had completely torn herself away from what she had known.

No one asked for their lives to change...but they do.

All it took was one moment to change Buffy's path.

For eternity.

One secret spilled would shatter all trust Buffy had in two people.

Damon and Stefan.

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That one moment would end up sending Buffy down a path she never thought she would cross.

For the first time in her life...Buffy found herself having to be selfish as the truth about The Prophecy came to life.

One mistranslation from centuries ago would change where her loyalty stood.

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A truth that had the possibility to destroy every relationship Buffy had with the entire Mystic Falls group.

Once again, Buffy would be forced to make a choice.

The problem was, while her friends and Elena expected her to pick their side, since her resurrection, she had been driven to her breaking point.

She had no idea if she could truly choose the Gilberts.

Not with so much on the line.

Not with so much on the line

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Would good become Evil?

Or would her friends only see her as Evil because they could not see past The Mystic Falls haze that seemed to make them all forget there was more out there in the world?

That life wasn't as simple as they seemed to think it was.

There were two sides to every story.

No one was truly good or evil.

As she approached the end of her senior year of college and her family continued to try and control her, would an enemy become the one person that Buffy relied on?

Would Buffy drift to a new family as Elena continued to push her?

Leaving them on two opposite sides of the battle.

Would sisters become enemies?

As the reality that her own trusted companions weren't that different from the Mikaelsons, Buffy would be thrust into the middle of the war

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As the reality that her own trusted companions weren't that different from the Mikaelsons, Buffy would be thrust into the middle of the war.

Living as a yoyo had never been her plan.

Would loss and constant hypocrisy send Buffy running like hell?

Would the constant we are the hero speech from her friends in Mystic Falls finally cause her to turn on them?

By the time she graduated college, would there be anything left to keep her in Mystic Falls?

Would finally getting to escape cost her dearly?

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