The Payback

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"I'm gonna kill you, Damon!"

Instantly, Damon's head shot up from his book.

Buffy had finally spotted the damage to her closest which meant he was beyond screwed right now.

"Dammit." He whispered before sitting up from his bed, they had only been home 10 minutes and were supposed to be heading back to Ric's any minute.

But...from the sound of it...this was gonna be a lot longer than a quick drop-by to get more knife sharpeners.

He was a dead man walking, he could feel it.

If there was one thing Buffy loved more than anything, it was her clothes.

Placing his book down, Damon quickly sped to the other side of his room just narrowly missing the broken shoe from hitting him in the face.

"Buff...I can explain." He said, holding out his hands calmly.

After the ritual, pissing off Buffy was not a good idea.

Unless you want your head removed.

"My shoes Damon!" Buffy screamed as she stormed into his room her arms filled to the brim with ripped skirts, leather pants, broken heels, and torn leather boots.

"You can't even get these anymore!" Buffy exclaimed as she launched another boot at his head before beginning to throw the rest of her ruined clothes at him.

It was safe to say, controlling her rage was a struggle right now.

Damon winced as he duked under an incoming pair of yellow sandals "Buffy, come was all in the name of greater...getting to kill the Originals..."

Buffy glared at her soon-to-be ex-friend "You let that Original crazy ass bitch into my closet Damon...she spilled wine on my pink leather trousers!"

Buffy liked Rebekah she did, but that was quickly changing after seeing the drunken damage she had done to her clothes.

You never mess with a girl's clothes.

Damon winced at the fury in her eyes.

He was so screwed.

The look in her eyes right now...honestly terrified him a little.

If she killed him with a stiletto he was gonna come back and haunt her ass.

"Okay, maybe my judgment was a little screwed up..."

Buffy glared at him before speeding over and pinning him up against the wall by the throat "Those were $300, Damon!"

"I said I was sorry." He argued.

Buffy's eyes widened before she raised her ruined red leather jacket "No, you didn't!" She snapped before throwing him onto his bed.

As he dropped his eyes widened as he spotted Buffy grabbing his wallet.

Not a good sign.

"Until I learn how to compel myself a new wardrobe. This..." She raised his wallet "Is mine." Pausing her eyes quickly shifted to Damon's favorite leather jacket "And so is this!" Grabbing it she threw it on before grabbing his car keys and walking out.

While he wasn't much bothered by her stealing his clothes, the fact that she had taken his car keys finally had Damon worried.

Buffy was a horrible driver!

There was no way she wouldn't crash his most prized possession just to get back at him.

"Buffy, do not take my car!"

Speeding outside he spotted Buffy climbing into his car, "Buffy!"

"See you at Ric' stupid..." Buffy paused as she found herself struggling for a snarky comeback.


She was running out of insults.

"Miscreant, vampire ass face!"

With that, Buffy put the car into drive, leaving Damon standing in the driveway.

"Your insults are getting worse!" He yelled before huffing.

His life really sucked sometimes.

His life really sucked sometimes

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