Just A Simple Date Night

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5 am.

Jeremy was laid out on the backyard floor, completely drenched in sweat, his entire body vibrating in pain.

While he had been getting better over the past few months of training with Buffy, she still managed to whoop his ass without breaking a sweat.

Buffy giggled as she stood over Jeremy twisting the sparing bo-staff between her hands playfully. 

"What did I tell you?"

Jeremy grumbled in annoyance before purposely glancing at his now broken bo-staff. Sitting back up he rolled his eyes as he spotted that stupid smug grin on his face.

"That I wasn't ready for weapons."

"Baby weapons." Buffy corrected "I said baby weapons."

Standing back up, Jeremy contemplated her words carefully. If she considered bo-staffs baby weapons what other weapons did she have?

Okay, he seriously needed to find a way into that mystery chest hidden in her closet. He was pretty sure now that she had some secret weapons collection.

Before he could start with the endless list of questions roaming through his head, a half-asleep Elena walked into the back garden in her workout gear.

Buffy had made it crystal clear that if she was going to continue involving herself in the supernatural world then she needed to get some sense of how to keep herself safe.
Hence her mornings now belonged to what Buffy called the hour of pain and tears.

Except, Elena could only guess that Buffy would be laughing and mocking while she was the one crying.

Jeremy snorted as he glanced over at his sister. Today was her first training session and she was seriously so screwed.

"Welcome to hell and pain." He taunted as he ruffled Buffy's hair before taking Elena's coffee and heading back into the house. In desperate need of a shower.

Before Elena could complain, she let out a small scream as a wooden stick was launched in her direction.

Buffy snorted as she watched Elena frantically try and catch the bo staff.

This was going to be so much fun.

"Was that necessary?!" Elena exclaimed as she stumbled down the stairs and moved over to the little training area that Buffy had set up.

"Completely." Buffy stated without a hint of hesitation as she started twirling the bo-staff in her hand.

"How are you this awake?" Elena grumbled as she watched Buffy demonstrate how to accurately hold the training weapon "You complain whenever I try and get you out of bed before 8 am."

"Because I literally come home from demon hunting train Jeremy then go to sleep. You mess with my system dude!"

Elena let out a small laugh as Buffy started to demonstrate how to strike the tree that they were using as a makeshift dummy.

She had still yet to convince Jenna to let her take over the basement as a proper training area so a tree would make do for now.

Plus, despite the fact Jenna had let her put up a punching bag in the basement, she had broken it two days ago.

The new one had yet to be delivered from The Council.

Stepping behind Elena to readjust her fighting stance Buffy tapped her stomach "Hit from your core and keep her shoulders level." Again Elena swung at the tree almost like she was scared it was about to launch itself at her.

If it was the Tree vs Elena...Elena would lose.

"Pretend it's Damon's face. Always works for me."

Elena chuckled and hit the tree again, this time with a little bit more strength.

Stepping back, Buffy watched the Elena-Tree MMA fight closely "Are you sure you want to do this?" She couldn't help but ask. 

Elena had been hesitant when she told her that training would become a part of her life. Given her anti-stance on violence.

But she also refused to back out of the supernatural world.

Why Elena had the desire to be part of this Buffy had no idea.

Elena nodded as she swung the staff again "I need to."

Buffy hummed for a moment before purposely catching the bo-staff as Elena went to swing it again. Elena grunted loudly as she tried to push against Buffy's strength only to let out a shocked scream as Buffy twisted the staff, sending her flipping through the air, and landing hard on her back.

The air had officially been knocked out of her.

"How did you?"

Buffy just grinned before tapping Elena's skinning arms with her foot "You have no upper body strength, Lena. Now get back up."

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