42 | Mrs.Miller

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After Aiden shared the news with me, my tiredness seemed to vanish, replaced by a surge of worry that kept me up all evening. Thoughts of meeting his mom as his girlfriend now rather than just a "friend" swirled through my mind. I was nervous but at the same time exited.

Aiden's advice to not think too much about it was impossible to follow. How could I not think over what to wear and how to prepare? Feeling overwhelmed, I remembered I have two amazing best friends to help.

"I have no idea what to wear, guys," I groaned, staring at the array of clothes in my closet, even though I have a decent amount of clothes, it seemed like I had no options or that they all fell short for this special occasion. The struggle to find the perfect outfit was real.

"Wear something formal but cute." Ciara said, being the fashion experts she is

Kehlani reassured me, "just don't stress. I heard Mrs. Miller is a very nice person."

"Yeah, she's nice," I replied, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn't have to worry so much, but I still wanted to make a good first impression as his girlfriend.

"I should properly bring something, like a gift right?"

"definitely, I heard parents love that."

I started pulling out different outfits, trying them on and assessing how they made me feel. Each one seemed to have its drawbacks - too casual, too formal, not flattering enough, or simply not feeling right for the occasion.

It was a battle between wanting to look effortlessly put together and not wanting to seem like I was trying too hard.

After what felt like an eternity of trying on different clothes, I finally found an outfit that was just right. It was stylish and cute, without being too over-the-top. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt confident and comfortable.

I settled on a cozy, button-up blue sweater that hugged my curves just right. It had a touch of elegance, perfect for the occasion. Paired with a black skirt. Since it was winter, I decided to wear black tights underneath to keep warm without sacrificing style.

"Alright, guys, I'm all set! Ciara, I took your advice and decided to keep the black tights."

Ciara let out an excited squeal, "Thank you! I knew I was right."

"Time is ticking, it's almost 6," Khelani urged urgently.

Before ending the call, I sent them a virtual kiss and thanked them for their help.

I nervously ringed the doorbell, holding the wine carefully on my arms. As I stood awkwardly at the door, I couldn't help but be in awe of the house. It was adorned with beautiful holiday decorations, creating a magical atmosphere.

Just a few moments later, Mrs. Miller opened the door, and my eyes were immediately drawn to her stunning off-the-shoulder knit sweater, perfectly paired with comfy jeans.

"Hi honey!" she exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm hug. Returning the embrace, I greeted her with a smile, "Hello, Mrs. Miller. How are you?"

She gently corrected me, "I told you to call me Madelyn, but I'm doing alright." Then, she took my hand and invited me inside.

The inside looked even better. It was also decorated like the outside but looked even cozier. I noticed the soft glow of candlelight and the inviting aroma of a home-cooked meal

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