The Queen

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"How will we travel?" Kal asked.

Finnula fed her a sweet and giggled at the look on her face when she tasted its sugary goodness. "We'll be in the Royal Carriage together. Lonnie will be with us, or she will ride alongside the carriage when she grows bored."

"I hope she gets so bored she rides outside the whole way home." Kal smirked and kissed Finnula's fingertips when the Queen reached out to stroke her cheek. "I am greedy and want you all to myself."

Finnula hesitated, but smiled warmly.

Kal looked perturbed. "Did I misspeak?"

"No, not at all. I was merely struck by how wonderful it feels to be wanted in such a way," Finnula hurried to reassure her. "I am often wanted, but for any number of reasons besides simply wanting me."

Kal nodded in slow realization. "I get it. Finnula, I like you for you, you know."

Finnula locked eyes with her girl, and smiled lovingly. "I like you for you, too."

Kal said, "I know we still don't know that much about each other—"

"Ah, that means but a little to me," Finnula said. "It is the way you say my name that hooks me again and again, because I never hear it said, and I certainly never hear it said the way you say it."

Kal blushed.

"And you are realistic with me. You haven't lied to my face at all in the time I have gotten to know you, and believe me, I know when a person is lying." The Queen took her chin in her hand and tilted it up. "So beware the lie you tell me, little silver tongued thief."

Kal's eyes shined. "I might have a silver tongue, but I have no stomach to lie to you."

Finnula was touched. She leaned in and kissed Kal, softly, exploring her with gentle tongue. Kal melted against her and she caught her with waiting arms. "And the way you kiss me," Finnula said breathlessly when they parted, "is always the most delicious taste to be had in the world."

"All this praise is going to go straight to my head," Kal warned, grinning.

"May it do a little good, at least," Finnula told her, stroking her hair. "I think you deserve a little goodness, don't you?"

Kal blushed even deeper. "I never thought that was possible, to be honest."

"It is now," Finnula said firmly. "We will make no stops. We will head straight into the city to my keep, and there I will see to it that your life is as comfortable as I can make it."

"Finnula, you don't have to—"

"I am and you can't stop me."

Kal smiled softly. "Yes, my Queen."

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