The Queen's Suite

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The Queen's personal staff, over the following days, found that Kal had grown on them. She was personable, and treated them like people. She learned all of their names and thanked them for everything they brought her. In a short amount of time, their loyalty to the Queen included a growing loyalty to her Girl as well.

Not to mention that it was a horrific slight to the Queen to treat her chosen lover with disrespect. If one wanted to keep their job, they were smart enough to be polite and graceful.

The Valet returned to the Queen's side after a few days had passed, just to work through necessary state paperwork. There were several days back up due to the honeymoon, so the Queen worked hard to sort through and sign.

But it was not just Lonnie who returned to the Queen's side, but her wife Sage.

She curtsied to Kal. "Good day to you, My Lady. I'm Sage, and I'm here to teach you the steps a woman of provenance needs to know."

Kal liked Sage. Sage was very patient with her, and took the time to get to know her a little bit. When she learned that Kal's education stopped when her sibling's education became the priority, she grew even more determined to make certain Kal took graceful steps.

Kal learned that Sage wasn't just going to teach her how to dance, but how to walk like a Lady, how to curtsy gracefully, and dance a simple waltz. Sage gave her lots of positive feedback. "You're a wonderful dancer, Kal. You have so much more to learn, but you're a fast learner. You'll shine up like a shiny copper coin."

Kal grinned, thinking of all the copper coins she had so far bled Yulia's maid of. She had already chosen a charity to give it to. She beamed at Sage. "Thank you for being confident in me. I am grateful for your effort."

Sage put a hand on her shoulder. "I am grateful for you, too. The Queen needed a companion. She was desperately lonely."

"Was she?"

Sage nodded. "Lonnie said that the way she looks at you is a look she's never seen. You are a special one. We can tell."


"Of what, love?"

"I know people are going to judge me. I don't know anything about being gentry. I spent so long on the streets that I'm practically a savage."

Sage's look softened. She hugged Kal, which surprised her. She hugged her back, and got a good squish. "We will not let you down, sweet Kal. We will make you into a Lady yet. It won't take much, you'll find."

"You are really kind," Kal said quietly.

Sage let her go, and clapped her shoulder. "You're going to be a beauty at the next ball. Worry not. You shall be presented in glory!"

"Oh no," said Kal. "Don't tell me that! Now I'm even more scared!"

Sage said, "Come, let us waltz a bit again. You're needing help with your rhythm."

Lonnie caught sight of the two dancing in her periphery. Her heart filled with love. She was hopeful for Kal, and knew Sage would teach her well. "See them?" She whispered to the Queen.

The Queen looked at them fondly. "I see them. She is so precious to me, Lonnie. Please help me protect her with every legal avenue we can."

"As my Queen commands."

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